Joe Millionaire
Joe Millionaire
| 06 January 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    perni When I first heard about this crazy new reality show, I thought it was a pretty interesting premise. Unfortunately, most of the episodes were just boring and tedious, with multiple flashbacks to past dates that dragged on forever. Fox seriously needs to be smacked upside the head for making its audience suffer so much. I mean, come on, did we really need a 2-HOUR finale? That's stretching my attention span a bit. I did tune in for the last 30 minutes or so of the finale, but in the end the big moment everyone was waiting for (when the girl finds out about her Joe's true past), was a huge bust. She just sat there, smiling, not doing a thing. Then the final scene in the ballroom felt genuinely staged, with false suspense created as we waited to see if the lovely lady would show up after all. She did, of course, and recited a speech only Hollywood executives could think was believeable. Fox tried to get one more punch in with The Aftermath, a bonus episode that told us what happened later. I didn't tune in for this one, though, becuase I did not want to be tricked into watching another snore-fest hour. And why did they call it The Aftermath? That sounds like something MSNBC would use to describe the effects of a hurricane or earthquake. It's not like Joe killed the girls one by one. Now with everything said and done, Fox is prepping a new gimmicky show called Married by America. Something tells me I won't be watching that one, as it sounds even more loathsome and flash-in-the-pan. As for the possibility of a Joe Millionaire 2, I roll my eyes at the idea. Why would anyone want to watch this premise all over again? They would have to put something really new and clever into the mix to get me to come back. Personally, I like Saturday Night Live's ideas: Joe Rapist, Joe Woman, etc. Hee hee...1/4
    scottmar This show started out good. It showed that most women are evil golddiggers who could care less about a guy if he doesn't have a ton of $. But then this show was changed and scripted to be this sweet fairy tale about Evan and Sera, who we're made to beleive found love, and will go off into the sunset with a million dollars, and they'll live happily ever after. But to anybody out there that cried and beleived this nonsense, I'd like to sell you the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge.Evan and Sera are two aspiring actors that were on TV to make a name for themselves. And they succeeded. Sera will no longer have to star in Cinemax level movies shot on video like "Sillicon Valley", where all the guys are drooling over her big fun bags.
    judi-7 With or without $50 million, that man is HOT! Personally, I'm not a fan of "reality television", but this show is compelling. Maybe it's Evan's good looks, great body, adorable dimples, or sweet boyish charm. In any event, I do find it enjoyable to watch. Can't wait for the next episode.
    Rejoicen Joe Millionaire is kind of like `The bachelor' with a catch. Evan, the bachelor is this case, is a regular Joe, who makes 19,000 a year, and who inherits 50 million dollars. But here's the catch, he hasn't actually inherited the money, and the female contestants believe that he has. And so the show is about these women trying to catch his affections, while each week he picks who he wants to stay. At the end, he will tell the one he picks the truth, and we will all find out if love or money prevails. I have watched a few episodes, and I have a confession to make. It's one of my guilty pleasures of life. Yeah yeah, it's reality TV, but for me and a lot of people out there enjoy watching it. It's not exactly quality television though; so if major quality is what you watch, then don't watch it. But if you want to see a new reality TV show for entertainment purposes, then I defiantly recommend this one.