| 26 April 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    tkrlg This show wasn't perfect but it was good on so many levels.If you want a short version of this review, just read the last paragraph, it sums it up.Story:The story was fun to experience. I normally get bored of the general concept of aliens because I've heard so many stories and watched many shows/movies about aliens but they were the all same 'aliens are weird looking creatures that are highly advanced and want to take over the earth' junk, however, with Jeopardy, there is more drama, more mystery and without spoiling it, I'll just say that the story was intriguing to watch and it was not predictable unlike a lot of other shows.Characters:They weren't generic high school characters. These days, shows with high school characters usually involve typical characters such as the popular b**chy girl, the popular that plays football, the shy girl, etc but with Jeopardy, they are characters that stood out. Each character is different to the other which makes it more fun to watch them even if their character was suppose to be frowned upon at times.Dialogue:Everything the characters said really described who they were and how strong their friendship was with the other characters.Although I remember there was the sort of cringey line, "I'll be your Jane", but that didn't bother me much.I can honestly talk a lot more about this but to sum it up, this show was great, original in it's own way, characters were unique, story was intriguing and it entertained me so I highly recommend it. (Unfortunataly the series isn't airing these days and there was never a DVD release as far as I know but it's on youtube so check it out).
    Fireberries What I saw: Every episode of season 1 - 3, alternate ending Happy and alternate ending Scary---I had watched this show religiously as a kid. I adored the mystery, the adventure, the time travel and the aliens. After the first airing of the final episode in 2004 (I voted for the "Scary Ending" alternative), I have been unable to view it again until now. The series has not lived up to my memories, but I wasn't expecting it to. I personally believe that it suffers from three main faults;1. Too much arguing. Far too much arguing. I get that there's a pressure on the characters, but it's hard to carry on with this amount of shouting per episode. The only reason why I powered on was because I was determined to finish the series a second time and get to the fondest-remembered parts2. I feel the scripts of each episode wasn't written tightly enough. Far too often I felt as though I was watching nothing but filler. I get the feeling that the series could have wrapped itself up in 2 seasons3. This isn't a slant on the actors because I thought they all did a good job, but two of the characters were intolerable in the first season. I'm glad they got that much-needed character development because I was close to packing it in. Although, after season 1, I feel that some of the other characters were not written as well as they were in the first season.An additional fault that isn't big enough to say the series greatly suffered from, but not small enough to ignore is the romances throughout. At times I felt at though the characters should have been concentrating on other more important things, and it distracted from the main plot a bit too much.Having said all that, by the time I got to season 3, I completely understood why I loved this show when I was younger. It does get very interesting with the red-eye virus and the mystery of where the characters go after they split. ---All-in-all the series could have greatly benefited from a few more script re-writes. As it is, though, I'd say it's a very good watch for kids who enjoy mystery, but are not yet old enough to watch something like Lost.Speaking of Lost, I think the ending to Jeopardy was far more satisfying than the ending to Lost. Especially the "Scary Ending".
    hayds13 I watched most of the 1st series, and it was great, it is really spooky and great to watch. And its the right level of spookiness, not too scary or too wussy. And VERY ADDICTING! But then i started missing episodes and i have probably missed 3/4 of the whole show. And it is now 2008, and still no DVD. Im really annoyed they haven't put it out yet. They should put it on itunes or something, that would be really good, it would sell a heap too, instead of just being re-ran on TV, wasting money. Anyway, fantastic show. Anyone into spooky movies would love this.{By the way, its back on ABC kids again. I'm not sure what episode its up to tho}
    claire-nute-00 Jeopardy is an amazing show and I was so sad when they played the last episode. I really hope that they make another series, but I have a horrible feeling that they won't. I missed all of series one and a good deal of series two, but once I started watching it, I was completely hooked. I just saw the last episode of the final series (series three?) for the second time and it still leaves me dying for more. Jeopardy is thrilling, to say the least, and I definitely think it deserves a higher status than 'a kid's show'. I really hope they release it on DVD because I would love to get to see every season in its full.