| 04 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    thevocalcoach Insecurity was awful. I saw three episodes and I think I deserve a medal or a cookie for being able to force myself just to watch that much. In three whole episodes I didn't laugh not even one time but I groaned at how awful the acting and the jokes were at least a dozen times, like audibly groaned, for real, because it was so horrible. That's how bad this show was. At least in my opinion, I can't speak for everyone, but will say that everyone I have talked to and know who ever watched this show thought it sucked. I am very suspicious of the positive reviews here because I have honestly not met many people who say they ever saw this show, and every one of the people who have told me they saw it said it was the worst. Maybe it's a regional thing and other regions like the show better? I have no idea. But this show was really horrible as far as I'm concerned. It's easily one of the worst written shows CBC has ever made and the cast was terrible.
    melmac50 Just good, clean fun. Kind of a modern day "Get Smart." Appealing cast, some pretty clever heavy lifting required. But you do have to pay attention as the best lines come out of nowhere and there are some knock-out obscure references to keep you on your toes. How another reviewer could find this one of the CBC's worst comedies ever is inconceivable to me. My reaction is that it might well be their best (which admittedly isn't saying much). However, in this case it plays as well as most anything I've seen of late and is one of my favorites amongst all the mainstream comedies currently in production (my top pick being "Modern Family." The late, great "Good Guys" with Colin Hanks and Bradley Whitford got some good laughs out of me as well, uneven as it was).
    CorumJI I spotted this one somewhere so I gave it a chance, and I've seen the three episodes that have aired so far. It's not great, and a lot of the jokes are a bit clichéd and fall flat, but they do get a smile or a laugh often enough that there are *much* worse things, like, oh, -Everybody Loves Raymond-, to spend your time watching. It'll be interesting to see if the writers work their way up or down with the quality. ATM, there's about a good joke every 5 mins, while the intervening stuff is mildly entertaining distraction. You can certainly watch this show in the background while doing something else more significant.The best conceptual comparison to the show is probably the classic -Get Smart-, only focused more on '99' than Max. It has four "competent" characters('99' + three quirky ones), and two comic-relief bumblers. Some of the humor comes from the quirks of the three, some from the two bumblers, and some from other situations involving the villains... the '99' character is often a straight man for the humor, and that works fine.Whatever you do, don't go in expecting the vaguest sort of realism -- note even the level you see in -Burn Notice- or -Chuck-. As was "Get Smart", this is lightly absurdist farce.Watch the first episode (or any episode, if you want, they don't really need to be watched in order) -- If it makes you smile -occasionally-, then give it a chance. If it doesn't, then it's a safe bet it's not your cup of tea.
    sleepless-in-mtl I saw the commercial a couple of weeks ago and thought it looked good; it was a change from sketch comedy Canada is known for. It's about a fictitious intelligence agency, NISA, and the crazy hijinks the agents get themselves into. You get the one who's sexy and gutsy but knows her fellow agents aren't the quickest bunch to catch onto anything, there's the older agent who has the brains but has to tolerate the others (especially one agent who's not so bright), the one who's not so bright at all, one who's so melodramatic that her character mocks your typical intelligence agents we normally see in dramas, one who has violent thoughts that it scares people, and the one in charge isn't perfect either. Only 2 episodes have aired so far and it's really good. I look forward to seeing many more episodes.