In the Beginning
In the Beginning
| 12 November 2000 (USA)

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    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    phydaux36 I found this a delightful movie. It is pretty accurate to what the Bible reads, and extremely entertaining. I do think that some of the special effects and make-up were a little to "Cheesy", but other than that, I was very satisfied. I see this as a good choice of a family movie, since there is only "Implied" nudity during the Adam and Eve segment. There is some violence, but this is only because these events had violence. I found that Martin Landau played a very good Abraham, and Christopher Lee was perfect as Ramesis the first. As I mentioned, I would recommend this movie for anyone looking for just entertainment and those seeking a truthful account of these events in history. Good job Kevin Conner.
    JLRMovieReviews This is a very moving telling of the "beginning" of the Bible. If you know practically nothing about the bible, like me, except for some basic fundamentals, you will rewarded in learning some of the stories and will be entertained by the way they are brought to life in this television movie. It does have a foreword to it, saying they took some dramatic license, but you get the feeling they are very true to the heart and depth to the Bible and are very reverent of its subject. Its main emphasis is on Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors, but it does make reference to Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel; Abraham and his wife, Sarah; Jacob; Esau; and Moses. The role of Joseph was cast well with Eddie Cibrian, and Martin Landau gives his usual best and sincerity as Abraham. At first, I was wary of Billy Campbell as Moses, but as he aged I liked him more and more. I particularly liked the part where the sea parted and Moses didn't make any dramatic speech. He stands high on the rock, in silence and felt God's presence and power, and the sea parted. "In the Beginning" is a very powerful and faithful movie that knows that less is more and tells the story without the DeMille flashy touches of "The Ten Commandments." I wish they could have acted out the whole Bible. But it does make me want to read my Bible. So, it is very successful in making the viewer want to learn more about our beginnings.
    chrismcreynolds I rate this film as just above awful. To those that approve of this film, they rationalize by stating that there is no real way to know if the Bible is more accurate than this film. If that is the case, then the whole point of worship is a waste of time (if you don't even trust the Bible to convey the stories accurately). There are a number of films that cover the same period with much closer accuracy. There is the film called "Jacob" with Mathew Modine that is superb, including each important detail from the Bible (the only authentic source) and it even manages to show the dream of "Jacob's Latter" in a scene that seems to me as completely possible as authentic. The acting of each character is absolutely superb whereas this film deviates so much that one would not possibly understand much of the story if they rely on this film. It is sad because it not only suffered from too much "compression" (which is some times a legitimate decision) but it replaces the actual Biblical dialogue with its own similar but very misleading telling of the stories. There is a series of 5 films produced by TNT that is infinitely superior and can be purchased as a set. Please do not ever use this film as a primary source for understanding these books from the Bible. The script was obviously written by a non-believer with the idea that the Bible can't be trusted anyway, so why not take liberties like so many other American adaptations? The end result is at times blasphemous.
    mermatt This is another of those well-intentioned Biblical TV-movies that comes across as a mixture of a Sunday School lesson and Cliff Notes for the Bible. A decent cast is wasted in superficial summaries, and the FX are simply cheesy. Instead of trying to tell everything from Creation to the Chosen People arriving in the Promised Land in two two-hour segments (with a total story time of less than three hours), it might have been better to focus more on one or two stories at most.