I Am Cait
I Am Cait
TV-14 | 26 July 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    LeParas-1 Is this seriously how low prime time has sunk? Another crap reality show? A has been washed up sports star who is irrelevant finds fame in being famous for coming out the closet? Seems he is more interested in exploring his paycheck options than his sexuality. I feel sorry for trans gender people having this as what's perceived to be their spokesperson! What a self centered attention whoring uninspiring douche bag, money and fame hungry knob head. So after watching the first episode of this I can tell that was enough for me! I am sick of hearing about Jenner this and Kardashian that! The trans gender issue is a real issue, but I can watch it dealt in a more positive way by watching it in a drama Series like Transparent then this bull crap! CAIT should have only done an hour long sit down or at the most a two hour documentary rather than sit and whine that her family isn't even promoting her show! Really? Be thankful your family even accepts you - you ungrateful person.
    vmiller-bpg Let there be no delusion here, and tell it like it is... Jenner's Caitlyn has sold him/herself out to low brow television, and it's ONLY this fat TV contract and the accompanying celebrity, that simultaneously motivated Jenner to come out as a transgender. I'm a progressive liberal, and a huge fan of doing "whatever floats your boat", but let's be very frank here, Jenner is no LGBT Hero or Role Model. Jenner and the Kardashians offer society little or nothing, but deliver big with a Black Eye to our American culture, motivated only by their extreme narcissism and greed. When I was a young man, Bruce Jenner was one of my hero's, but he's been nothing more than an extremely strange dude for over two decades now. Jenner is a complete "Sell Out", and s/he is being wrongly placed on a pedestal by the mainstream media 24/7, with apparently no end in sight. Talk about talking' down to America; holy c/h/*/t!! If the LGBT community thinks this represents a step forward, then I really do feel sorry for them. Not because they're perceived to be different or lessor human beings than the norm; they're not. But because they're placing this hack with zero character in the position of role model, and this singular act is beyond moronic, it's imbecilic.
    bebe13580 The Transgender community continues to receive a lot of criticism from time to time, with very few support. Ranging from people who simply doesn't like it to others who absolutely loathe it...etc. Bruce Jenner ( Referring to her as her former self ) was a star athlete back in the day. She gained a lot of success and fame. She later starred in a very popular show that I'm sure we're all familiar with "Keeping up with the Kardashians". It's safe to say that not many people understand well or are willing to grasp the reason behind her huge life- changing decision to fully transition into a woman. I could go on but let me just get to the point; Caitlyn Jenner has helped shed some light into the transgender community, now many more people are becoming more aware and educated about it. You may disagree, refuse to support or understand her story, it still doesn't change the great amount of impact that her story now has on those who've heard of it, and also the important message that it has behind it. She is now 65 years old, it's not just something that she made up her mind about overnight. This is something that Caitlyn must've have thought about every second of her long life. While some may see this as a selfish act, and I do know that not only will her family and friends be affected in someway by her decision, it will also impact America greatly. This shows courage, to be able to come to light, and share this with the world knowing that not everyone will understand or support her decision and that it might ruin her athlete reputation as well. This may not be the sort of courage that a soldier must have in order to go into battle but it's still courage.Caitlyn, you are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. A person's happiness is very important to them, it is the very important key to being able to find meaning in their lives. If Cait truly felt like that it would be almost impossible to continue living within a man's body when she truly felt and was a woman inside, then, so be it. It is her body, and if it made her happy then that's what mattered truly.
    AttorneyJenn While not technically accurate, this is the first episode of any "Kardashian" reality programming I have ever seen and at that, there is only one episode of I Am Cait on which to base my review. For the purposes of this review it may be of value to note that I am a heterosexual female but a huge believer in LGBT rights. The reality for most members of the LGBT are likely to be different, sometimes drastically, than the overwhelmingly exciting reception Caitlyn has experienced. The show briefly mentions that not everyone is as accepted or with the financial capabilities of Caitlyn. I applaud this acknowledgment and believe they're going to address the disparate experiences in later episodes. The reality is that Caitlyn is a celebrity and perhaps this serious-but-campy show is a comfortable, fun way to get people discussing LGBT issues and rights. So for the ends, I'm okay with the means of mixing in a little more fashion and hijinx than is typical for your average American. I am concerned, however, that the show will stray from a documentary approach and digress into utter reality trash (TMZ has reported a custom Lamborghini was being delivered as a prop). So yes, Caitlyn's life is atypical even by LGBT standards and yes, the show is as flirty as it is serious but I think it makes for an entertaining, yet educational, program style. But, that's based off only one episode and I fear I Am Cait won't be able to juggle that for long. If they lose sight and lose balance, it puts the LGBT community at risk of being made a mockery of. Tread lightly in those high heels Caitlyn. We're rooting for you, but counting on you as well.