How We Got to Now
How We Got to Now
| 08 October 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    mmeier-08196 This series is about discovery, and the origination of what we take for granted. There is no in-depth treatise intended, but it reveals a path from the beginning of a technology, the advances along the way, and what we have now. Personally, even with my strong science background, it was fascinating. I wasn't expecting an entire episode of how modern water purification works. That it started with contaminated water in metro areas and developed into the safest time in world history to drink tap water is what makes this series compelling. Who knew the entire city of Chicago was raised to install a sewer system? How did that lead to subways? Beer is good to drink. Who created the modern time zones we use today? How was fiber optic technology developed? I only wish there were more episodes to watch.
    Scott Rose This show has good intentions, but we found it to be an extremely poorly written show. One of the worst written shows we have ever watched in our lives. Or maybe it's just poorly researched. This show is like reading a high school book report from a student who never actually read the book in the first place. For example, they will start talking about one important topic, or tease you with a question about something... but then they will NEVER finish talking about that topic nor answer that question for you! So they leave you hanging without "tying up" any of the loose ends, or actually giving you an education about anything! For example, in the episode about how humans invented artificial cooling devices, the show simply says "And then the refrigerator was invented, one of the most important inventions of all mankind." And then they move onto other less important topics. Um, hello?! HOW was the refrigerator invented? HOW does the refrigerator even work?! Another example: In the episode where they are talking about the invention of "sound recordings", THEY DON'T EVEN TELL YOU how Edison figured out how to record or playback sound on wax records! It's an EPISODE ABOUT SOUND RECORDINGS, FOR CHRISSAKE!! And yet all they say is, "Edison invented the first record player." Wait, what? How in the world did he do that? Any more details that you'd like to share with us about this major invention that changed the entire world? Nope, they've already moved onto the next scene, which is usually the host doing something completely irrelevant for 10 minutes. And then, for the rest of the episode, they never come back to fill you in on the details that they skipped. But then, the show BOUNCES ALL OVER THE PLACE with a variety of unimportant facts! By doing so, this show DOES NOT GIVE ANY VALID NOR USEFUL NOR EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION TO THE VIEWER, and you can't truly make sense of the stories that they're trying to share. And the host is absolutely terrible -- he is extremely fake & condescending & pandering to the audience. He tries waaaay too hard to be a host. It's very clear that he has never been in front of the camera before. In any case, it seems like these people tried really hard with this show, but each episode ends up leaving you way more confused & frustrated than before you started watching the episode. You actually go INTO the show with more knowledge than when you LEAVE the show. Would love to see this show get a MAJOR overhaul with some ***PROFESSIONAL WRITERS*** who ACTUALLY DO SOME RESEARCH and CAN KEEP FOCUSED and TELL A STORY FROM START TO FINISH. Until that happens, this show should get ZERO STARS. Every single episode is literally as bad as what I described in this review. Truly terrible show. Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible. We have never seen a worst TV show.
    dmfk For such interesting topics, I was really disappointed.It was quite obvious that this production crew was more concerned with creative 'shots' and post production editing than actually making a useful documentary. It got to the point where I was actually laughing at how hard they were trying to be creative and original with the production shots. There were also a ton of stock footage shots that had very little to do with the specific topic at hand. Like, footage of people walking around modern-day downtown Chicago.The host was brand new to me, and, I couldn't stand him. Very condescending and somewhat annoying. I love science and shows showcasing science, but this was just a show about how to have cool camera shots ruin a good show.
    TxMike At first blush a 60-minute TV program on "glass" might seem, well ... too transparent. I mean, glass is glass. It is clear, it lets us see through it, while keeping the rain and cold out. But where did glass come from? How was it first discovered? How many innovations did it make possible?While I cannot attempt to cover it all in this short review, I will give one example. It starts with European winemakers. They used screw-driven grape presses to extract the juice. Then one enterprising gentleman names Gutenberg had the idea of using the basic mechanics of a wine press to make a printing press, allowing for the first time the mass production of printed books. But where's the glass connection?Well with books came more and more readers. But many of those found they could not read the blurry print, because of poor eyesight. So the yet scarce use of spectacles became a giant need and the development of new lenses led to things like the microscope and the telescope, and the rest if the history of discovery of both the micro world and the distant worlds of our universe.All because someone found out how to make clear glass and others came up with new uses.As a scientist myself, a Chemist who first hand made use of the many applications of glass in the laboratory, it is a totally engrossing subject, presented very well. I hope to see all the others.