House of Carters
House of Carters
NR | 02 October 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
    Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    ft-diary The first time I watched this, I think it's not that good. They all just keep screaming to each other almost all the time. But, then, after I watched another and another episodes, I kinda realised that the true meaning of this series is "Family ARE Forever". They will always be there for you, no matter what happen. May be, your family not act really nice to you right now, but, deep inside their mind and heart, they STILL LOVE YOU SO MUCH...!! That, even you or they, can not even say it in words... YOU JUST SHOULD WATCH THIS SERIES 'TILL THE END...!! YOU'LL LOVE IT, IF YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY...!! ^^ This series is just great, alright...!? I wish and I really hope that there will be a second season of this series. I wish that it will come true... This show, show us what is the meaning of the word "FAMILY". Oh, and Aaron is recording his album right now. I think it'll be a really nice album of his. You guys should just go to a music store and buy it...!! >.< he3... Anyway, I think Backstreet Boys also are recording their new album or already finish and publish it right now. They all (the Carters) have their own issues. But, at the end, the can kinda get rid of them. BJ and Aaron probably will never get drunk anymore and Nick can be a better and nicer brother. Angel is quite a good model, I think. She's pretty, for sure...!! >.<
    louis-vuitton42 I really liked this show, the first moment I saw it. It wasn't like a lot of reality that are on TV, it was a little better in my opinion. The family is really funny and realistic to the point that is just hysteric. I've seen all the episodes so far and I can't wait for the new to come out! hopefully it comes out soon. House of Carters is one of thoughs really addicting shows that you can't get enough of. me and my friends love to watch it whens it on. it's kinda like a tradition know... :::hahaha::: My favorite character is Aaron because I think he is cute... :::blush::: i also like Angel and B.J because there all around pranksters, like me... :::heheheh::: and there they seem nice.Becky
    frogger0105 I got to see the first episode (courtesy of Eonline) and I have to say that I already love every single Carter kid. I really hope that they can work through their issues and become the family they deserve to be. They just want to be normal like everyone else, and after everything they've been through, they deserve that chance, and I think this show will help them do that. Nick really has taken the big brother role to heart and you can see that he loves all of his younger siblings and he only wants the best for them. I think this show will show us the Carter clan in a completely different light and we'll get to see them how they really are, not just how the tabloids portray them. This is going to be a great show and I can't wait to see more!
    lune78 When we first met the Carters back in 1996 (the year Nick and his fellow band mates from the Backstreet Boys took the world by storm), they were this picture-perfect, all-American family where everyone was all smiles. 10 years later, the kids have grown up and they have lost much of their innocence. Essentially because of their parents' divorce. We are presented with brothers and sisters that have been torn apart by a seemingly manipulative stage mother; House of Carters is about bringing the kids back together again and mending broken hearts.After all the idiotic reality TV shows we have had to endure over the past few years, I really wasn't sure about House of Carters. But after watching the first episode, I can confidently say that it has a lot more heart and soul than any other reality show I've seen. Because this time, it's not about winning a prize, it's not about strategies or beautiful but brainless people hooking up. It's about a real family. And a really messed up one at that. But messed up families are a majority these days. And this is why HOC is more real than any other reality show.If you are going to dismiss this show simply because Nick and Aaron Carter are in it, then let me just tell you that you'd be wrong. Sure they've made a lot of mistakes in the past, but HOC really shows them in a different light; you could never have imagined that they were so mature. Especially Nick, who really seems to take to heart his responsibilities as the oldest of the bunch.Entertaining, sometimes heartbreaking but always real, House of Carters is a show not to be missed.