Homeboys in Outer Space
Homeboys in Outer Space
| 27 August 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
    Rayvyn Homeboys in Outer Space was funny. It parodied many Science Fiction favorites like Lost in Space, the club was called `The Jupiter 2'. Ty Walker had a pet called a `smoogie' and it was like a tribble form Star Trek. I especially liked Loquatia, the computer that was in love with Morris Clay, the pilot of the `space hooptie'. The show made fun of racial stereotypes and that why the NAACP got it canceled. It was political correctness that killed this very funny show. The show had some cheesy sets and bad costumes but these shortfalls were minor.The writers were very creative. Anyone who can come up with a planet populated with blonde haired, blue eyed white folk with afros who built their whole civilization around the popular sitcom `The Jeffersons', is a genius! I especially like the gold statue of George Jefferson holding up a piece of pie to be a nice touch. The show was just as good as `Red Dwarf' in my opinion. Another great character was the stuck up android, Lloyd Wellington III. He could have been the funniest guy on the show. I guess genius is seldom recognized in it's time. This show is sure to be a cult classic and who knows maybe 1000 years from now this show will be considered a great work of art. Or maybe it will just make someone laugh.They should put this out on DVD.
    raysond I can't believe that BET brought this series back on the air in repeats. No wonder UPN(when it first started out) ditch this show during the first year on the air. And it shows. Don't get me wrong, I love my black sitcoms here,but as far as these sitcoms go,this one was the worst ever. Second to Desmond Pfeiffer,its pathetic.
    John Langbein (medrjel) The problem with parodies is that if the point is missed, then there is nothing to like. This show was full of silly plots and great cameos. It didn't take itself seriously. I mean, George Jefferson opening a Dry Cleaner in space? "Pippin", played by ex "Scotty" James Doohan? This is just silliness, people.And to the person who said this was a rip-off of Red Dwarf, if I were Grant or Naylor, I would be offended, since this show, other than being sci-fi comedy, has NO similarities to Red Dwarf. Don't forget Quark, the sci-fi comedy BEFORE Red Dwarf if you want to use the "originator" angle.Still, Homeboys may have been trash, but it was fun.
    william_t This show was quite funny, but only usually the episodes with James Doohan (Scotty of Star Trek fame) as the guy at the bar. I mean, its been 3 or 4 years since its been on, so I forget if the bar was just where he was, or what, but anyway.The point is that it was a funny show, because it was stupid.