TV-MA | 24 January 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Insomniac Panda So... Hetalia is amazing!**SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT**It has subtle references to historically accurate events, like England asking Germany if he wants to play football in the "World War 1" arc- That's historically accurate to the Christmas truce in 1914! Whilst the characters are funny with the common stereotypes people give (EX: Italy being obsessed with pasta and pizza and being able to flirt easily), the dubbed VA's do amazing work with the accents people expect someone from that country to have.I must say, this anime makes life all that more depressing- Beware those in school learning about the Holy Roman Empire- and even hilarious in history lessons. I believe the Hetalia fandom is one of the best anime fandoms out there- come on! we have over 1400 ships!, including crack ships!Me and my friend outside of virtual reality relate to two or more of the characters, I have earned the nickname "Canada" for my impression of him, and she has earned the nickname "Italy" from her bubbly personality, much like Italy from the show.I do not give this a perfect score due to the length of the episodes and the lack of long lasting story, however, the "no long lasting story" concept may be good for those who come in late to the show.but until then, praise Papa Hima for creating such a masterpiece.Note to anyone who has seen the anime: No, British people aren't terrible cooks. I'm British and a great chef =)
    helenacaju It contains a rude--*Extreme edit here* Okay. I didn't even watch an episode in 2012. Now, in 2013 to 2014, I did watch some episodes, I know many things about the show and the manga. I'd have to admit it; It's sometimes funny, but the humor is sometimes a bit offensive. Not recommended for the easily offended.Plot: That's the main problem, it has no plot at all.Like Lucky Star. But it still remains funny, with it's jokes and humoristic atmosphere (But it has it's serious moments). It's also a bit educational, but it's mostly played for laughs. Characters: The characters are mostly likable. Some are likable, some are not. You will hate them if you're offended by foul stereotypes.Overall, it's decent. 6/10
    funkamatic I think this idea is awesome. It has the ability to convey to people the inter-country politics of history. It could display the relativistic goods and bads in a way people could understand more readily than reading mountains of history books.Instead it just shows the general attitude countries have towards each other while the countries' personalities are shown (such as America eating too many hamburgers) in horribly impertinent ways (america is introduced eating burgers during WWII?).In essence: one of the best ideas I've ever heard, and executed worse than I can imagine.
    Tweekums This series of short episodes where each character represents a country and national stereotypes are to the fore could easily have caused offence but for the most part managed to avoid that by making all of the characters likable; although it might seem that way to me because the worst thing said about my country was that it can't cook! Most early episodes follow poor cowardly Italy as he tries to befriend Germany, they are later joined by Japan. Meanwhile another group of countries, including America, England, France, China, Russia and Canada are getting together to fight against them; this gives Italy plenty of opportunity it wave his white flag. While most of the stories take part in this time period we also see Italy's childhood with his friend Holy Rome, England finding a young America and even an appearance by poor unrecognised Sealand.After the first episode I didn't think I'd bother with the rest but after a few months returned to the series and watched the second episode which got me hooked. Some times the change in times can be a little confusing but there are usually historical notes explaining if a new story line is beginning. With a few minor exceptions all the countries are male and while there is nothing overtly sexual going on between them viewers could be excused for thinking their friendships could have gone that way. While I wouldn't recommend using this as a way of learning history it does mention events and countries that might inspire viewers to learn more about the real countries and events. Given how short the episodes are I'd certainly recommend checking out a few to see if you like it; especially as it can currently be viewed legally on Funimation's YouTube Channel along with the next series which is known as 'Hetalia World Series'.