Heroes of Cosplay
Heroes of Cosplay
| 13 August 2013 (USA)

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    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    noahfick1 This show was done very well. I didn't even know what cos-play was before I watched this! This show was very well done it showed the creative process used when making elaborate costumes and even through in some drama as well! I thought it had even some funny moments to as well as moments when you felt completely sorry for the character. I think this show did a great job at giving you a taste at what cos-play was like. It really showed that teamwork is always great, and was always positive. It is appropriate for all ages and is great for people who want to lean more about cos-play and making Halloween a little more elaborate. Some of the costumes on the show were completely jaw dropping, for just a couple days it was amazing what these people could accomplish. Mrs. Han particular stole the show with some of her enormous costumes and perfection. I hope that this wonderful show will come back for a second season!
    oceangray I've watched every episode so far and can say it is great. Yes some parts are staged (its a TV show Derrrrrr) I find this does not take the magic away. I love how the people create different costumes, I love the original spin on old classics (I will mention nothing). SOme of the people clearly have more artistic talent than others, some rely on partners, in varying degrees. Conventions and Expo's are about expression, fun and friends..Unless you claim to make all the pieces of your costume yourself I see no harm done. I attend Expo's and Conventions in the UK, but I am relatively new to the scene, only being part of it for 2 years. I did not know so many were held in the US and love the way it has broadened my insight into this. I thought Dragon Con was the one, jeez how naive am I :). If you ever fancied going to any kind of Con or Expo, check this out, ye sure remove the staged TV parts, and look beneath the surface...There you will find, Magic, Mystery and a great little community. Thumbs up and keep em coming
    vernonaverill The producers miss the mark. Cosplay isn't about winning a contest, it's about living the fantasy. The show should have focused more on character history, costume design, fabrication details, how to make your own, what's behind the costumes and performer profiles. What does a weekend cos player superhero do during the week? What's their secret identity? We do not need a over-dramatized contest of faked relationships to tell which costumes are awesome. The stupid series is self-aggrandizing, promoting the unimportant, bent on finding evil hatred, rather than showing the love that brought everyone together in the first place.
    poe426 Over the years, I've seen some amazing costumes at comic book conventions- but few as elaborate as what we see here. I had no idea that "playing dress-up" could be so time-consuming- or so expensive. The desperation some of these contestants experience is understandable when one factors in the amount of time, the workload and the out-of-pocket expense(s). By far the most impressive of the cosplayers (for me) is Yaya Han (or, as Howard Wolowitz of THE BIG BAND THEORY might put it: "Yaya YEAH!!!"): I can't think of a better ambassador for cosplay than Miss Han; anyone who thinks that cosplay is just for kids only needs to take a long look at her...