Haunted Highway
Haunted Highway
| 03 July 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    simplymefire In the scene where the rocking chair starts rocking, you can see the string that is pulling it. This show is completely hysterical in the fact that the actors are so dramatic. It is not surprising that this show is being canceled. With all the technology today and all the experts in special effects I'm sure there are plenty of ways to make a rocking chair move without strings or ropes being attached. And, Oh My Goodness, a ball falling off a log, what a scary thing to happen. I almost fell out of bed laughing. I have watched many of these so called paranormal shows and Haunted Highway is probably the worst yet. Instead of being scared of ghosts I am now scared of the people that are trying to prove that they actually exist.
    smbgti So here is the deal, roaming reporters/Investigators pair up and check out stories of strange sighting and alleged paranormal activity on highways and remote roads around the US. To kick of the action the reporters gather some back ground info on the activity's to be investigated .They Conduct Interviews and hear eye witness reports from quirky looking locals about the spooky goings on.So the scene is set and its time for the reporters to move into the field and see for themselves what is really happening. Picking up the action in episode four there have been reports of dog like creatures named by locals as hell hounds. The always attractive Dana Workman is set up as the guinea pig with a lump of tasty meat in the dark of night awaiting some doggy action. Jack Osbourne, the most prominent of the reporters uses a thermal imaging camera to catch any possible events. And right on cue, would you believe it a dog like creature runs within close vicinity of the Dana and the spooky image is captured on camera. It surely must be a killer dog hound right? More likely a coyote you my thing, and with good reason as this is verified later in the episode as the most likely explanation much to jack's disappointment. So the spookyness continues and we move on to a cave near the sighting. At the entrance of the cave Jack balances a lantern on a rock while making a point of commutating on doing so. How strange! Perhaps this may come into play later in the episode! They move further into the cave and to kill there's and the viewer's boredom, they play with some gadgets. Suddenly they hear a scratching noise and the lantern falls of the rock. Holy cow! Run for your lives we are all gonna be eaten by the ghost of scooby doo! Well no, actually the excitement is over for the night and they head home unscathed with no wounds to lick. Perhaps rubbing essence of scooby snack on Dana Workman's petrified naked body would of enticed the dogs from hell and entertained us a little more. To offset the boredom, the reports predictably over dramatise proceeding. With the help of some clever editing and a back pack full of gadgets Jack and his sidekicks hope to hold the attention of the viewer . To their credit they do it well, but with so little to work with in the form of real action, coupled with a distinct tendency to take itself seriously, the show holds little substance and soon becomes painfully predictable and pointless . So if you want to be scared out of your skin, head to the nearest forest wearing little more than a scream mask , eat some wild spindly mushrooms and chant 'ace of diamonds, queen of spades while tilting your head but don't bother watching haunted highways .
    kralnor warlockrox Nice show. Love the overall style. Somehow jack and crew managed to make an original looking and styled paranormal investigation show. Plus, I would tune in weekly to watch jael depardo read the phone book.I have to admit I wasn't expecting much. I mean, how can here be another one of these damn shows?? I'm glad to report this show comes off nothing like the others of its ilk. Very little forced humor, very few (maybe none?) Distracting post- production sound effects, which I appreciate greatly after every episode of ghost hunters now opens with a failed evp it seems.Definitely recommended add to your ghost hunters/ destination truth /fact or faked line up.
    mtrapp-382-717082 Haunted Highway is a good, fun show to watch. It can be a little too "Blair Witch" in regards to the unstable camera shots. So be careful if you get motion sickness easily. There little to no "spooky music" piped in post production. Of course, there's editing to make the show more interesting, but it's not as bad as some of the other out there. And the fact that there's no gang of camera operators running around with them is a plus not seen on many reality paranormal shows. Jack is a well known person, but I also like that they typically have another group (Jael & Devin from Destination Truth and Fact or Faked - both SYFY shows) that do their own investigation. Also, it's good to see other legends and, to a lesser extent see and learn of other parts of the country and other cultures. I gave it a 7/10 simply because there's room for improvement. But still a good show to watch.