Harley Street
Harley Street
NR | 17 July 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    NJD236 I thought this series was excellent and looked forward to watching it every week. I've now bought the DVD and enjoy re-watching the episodes again. The title sequence is fantastic and I absolutely love the music! (anyone else think it sounds a bit like Savage Garden's "Carry On Dancing"?)Paul Nicholls as Dr. Robert Fielding stole the show for me. He is a superb actor and his facial expressions show how his character is feeling without the need for words (a typical example is at the very end of episode 6, right before the credits roll - don't want to give away the ending though!)I also really enjoyed the scenes between Robert and his Dad; the scene in the hospital where they have a heart-to-heart is one of my favourites.I didn't care too much for Ekkow Obiang's story lines, but Suranne pulled off Martha's intellectual but seductive character very well.Admittedly both Martha and Robert's 'posh' accents took a bit of getting used to (especially when you've seen Paul and Suranne's earlier work), but towards the end of the series, I didn't really notice it.I can't understand why Harley Street was panned by almost everyone! Admittedly it didn't attract as many viewers as had been expected, but as Paul has said in a recent interview, that's because this Winter-suited show was aired in the Summer.Anyone else hoping for a second series? I certainly am! Maybe a fourth doctor could be introduced to the practice - a more likable Felix Quinn-type character as competition for Robert??
    Dodger-9 Alas, this is another fast moving, post watershed medical drama that fails to set the pulse racing, despite a couple of racy moments. Paul Nicholls is okay as the leading man and the always excellent Suranne Jones shines in her role (despite a dubious posh accent), but there's nothing new here. With a glorified cameo by James Fox and a host of humdrum supporting characters, it may be a grower as the weeks go by, but based on the pilot episode, you may opt for another episode of Casualty or Holby City instead. Jones fans may want to watch old episodes of Coronation Street or Strictly Confidential to see her on better form. As for Nicholls: he seems sold short by the routine premise. If you have a pile of ironing to do it should pass the time a treat, but those seeking thought provoking drama may be better off giving it a miss.