| 06 March 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
    Peereddi I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
    Sabah Hensley This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
    Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    scott_seven I think this show is really well done. It seems to be filmed in the same style as shows like The Deadlest Catch. A lot of work must go into series like these and under that appreciation I have enjoyed an entire (binge watch) season on Netflix. Good job! Recommended. I'd like to see a behind the scenes show as I wonder how the camera gear and crew make a show like this happen and all the challenges.I suppose for some people the language might be considered heavy, but I personally like the "keeping it real" aspect and that the F bomb isn't bleeped out. It would be a welcomed unique addition to add in some of the film crew.