Hannity & Colmes
Hannity & Colmes
| 07 October 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
    ccthemovieman-1 Overall, this was a much better show before the 2008 elections began. Regardless of what political party you belong to, I would think most people don't want to hear about the candidates EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for 18 months! Give it a rest, boys. But that's today's media for you: overkill everything. Frankly, after 90 straight days of election talk back in the middle of 2007, I gave up on this program. It's too much of the same now: same guests, same comments, same bias on both sides. Hopefully, when the election is over, these guys will go back and discuss a variety of topics each night.If you want an example of why Sean Hannity gets so upset at times, just read some of moronic, hateful lines the Left Loonies have printed in these IMDb reviews. It's hard to have an intelligent conversation with people when one side only knows how to call names and has very few solutions to any problem. It's also frustrating when the other side - Liberals - wants to tear down, as Hannity often points out - everything the Founding Fathers of the United States put down on paper - and begin their own secular nation in which principals are thrown out the window. So, as one our recent Presidents liked to opine, "I feel your pain," Sean.What I don't like about Hannity, to be fair, is all the shouting and interruptions against those he differs. I know he's passionate, but he needs to chill a bit.Alan Combs, the Liberal counterpart to Hannity, has a much better demeanor and comes across in a much more civil manner. The other problem with Alan is that he's wrong 98 percent of the time....but I like his personality.This was an interesting talk show until they decided to talk only about one subject.
    techiehire Often comical and controversial, always entertaining and informative, Sean Hannity, an articulate American patriot, battles the promoters of a socialist America, ie. the Liberals. He does so with respect, tact, and intellectual logical proofs. He debunks common liberal myths and fallacies injected into the veins of Americans via mainstream media biases. The current liberal media slants the truth and propagates casuistries which promote their liberal political agenda. He debates, alongside his liberal sidekick Allan Colmes, who always argues with conservative guests. The show normally takes a controversial issue or comment in the news and invites guests usually experts, eg. politicians, authors and the like, to discuss and debate it. Sometimes they have multiple guests who share their insight on the issues. Hannity has a policy that if you can't answer his very specific question with a very concise yes or no answer, you're not ready to honestly and openly debate an issue. A person must be ready to disclose his or her beliefs on the relevant issues. Hannity has his own nationally syndicated radio show airing weekdays 3:00 to 6:00pm Eastern time.
    wdevercelly Colmes is weak - not because he's liberal, but because he's just weak. We all know that Hannity is aggressive and that's all I'll say about him.I've been thinking that liberals seem indecisive and waffly because they are willing to listen to reason and a good argument where the conservatives think that they know everything and that nothing ever changes. This "balance" leaves liberals looking vulnerable. Heck, I wish that I could be that narrow-minded and sure. Trouble is that I can't. I guess I'm one of Coulter's weak-wristed commies.What bugs me more than anything is the way that Fox News masquerades as news when it's really mainly opinion and commentary with a heavy (clumsy, actually) right-handed spin. I really doubt that the producers at CNN, MSNBC, C-SPAN, ABC, CBS and NBC meet every morning and tell their staffs to "lean left" and attack any and all conservatives at every opportunity. I don't think that they are trying to impeach the entire Bush/GOP government (they do have the majority across the board) any more or less than they reported on the Clinton administration with all of it's foibles. It's NEWS, people - not politics. Fox is trying to remake news into politics. Let's hope that they fail.
    rivalf4 Sean Hannity is a Great American. Some people just can't handle his aggressive nature. People think he doesn't let anybody talk, but the real problem is that these liberals just can't answer a yes or no question. If James Carville were to be on the show, it would be pointless. That is what Colmes is for. People might as well just watch CNN with all the "Bush Bashing" that would go on. The show plays off of the balance between Hannity and Colmes, and thats what people want to see. It allows people to hear both sides of the story. It's an opportunity to get "the most comprehensive news anywhere." In fact Hannity is well contained on TV, and shares equal air time with Alan. If you really want to be "Hannitized" you gotta listen to his radio show, where he is much less reserved.