Hamish Macbeth
Hamish Macbeth
| 26 March 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
    Bereamic Awesome Movie
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    landisro I love all the Hamish Macbeth books, and am a huge mystery fan as well. I just saw my first episode and was shocked and appalled. First of all, there was no mystery. It was like some washed out version of Monarch of the Glen. I like quirky locals as well as the next person, but where is the mystery? My main gripes: Robert Carlyle looks NOTHING like what Hamish is supposed to. If you've read the books you'll know that he's supposed to be tall, gangly, and not overly good looking. His dog is a mangy mutt named Lugs, not a cute West Highland white. The love of his life is the local aristocrat, daughter of the owner of the big hotel. In general the townsfolk think Hamish is a lazy good for nothing, even though he does solve crimes better than anyone else in his region of Scotland.So my question is, why bother calling it the Hamish Macbeth series? Just pick a name out of the phone book and forget the author's original intention.
    lady_rean Living in the southeast US, I didn't get to see this show until it was probably already canceled in the UK. It didn't matter to me, I watched every episode, and some of them more than once!!It's a shame that it had to end, I really enjoyed it that much. There was just enough "soap" to it to make you want to keep coming back, to see how the lingering story worked out, but every week, there was some new something that came to a conclusion. That made it that much better to watch. So many night-time soap-opera style shows are just continuous dramas which is just TOO much for me.If anyone ever knows anything about this being on DVD to purchase, I sure hope they will let me know, because I would be ordering a complete set!! :)
    steventemplar I have just started watching this show because it is offered on satelite here in Japan. I love it, and enjoy the small-town characters and situations. I am of Scotish ancestry and enjoy seeing something of the countryside and Scotish people. Also, the acting is great and the characters are fun. Hamish MacBeth is played by the very talented Robert Carlyle. Hamish is the small-town police officer who is inter-twined with the town. He is part of the town yet has to be the law as well, which puts him into situations on occasion. The townfolk are great and well played. I wish that the show had more seasons than it did, but I am glad to have what I can get! If you are a fan of Scotland or small towns and mysteries, then you'll enjoy this one!
    gandalf-25 This program reminds me a great deal of "Northern Exposure", a compliment since N. E. was a particular favourite of mine. How could you not like a small community where the natives sit around the local pub reading philosophy and arguing the relative merits of existentialism vs. scientific determinism, or where the local constable poaches salmon and the doctor smokes questionable substances in his pipe. Too bad Robert Carlyle is becoming such a celebrity. I suspect we've seen the last new episodes of this charming show.