Glenn Martin, DDS
Glenn Martin, DDS
| 17 August 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    alister black This was embarrassing. This show makes you feel embarrassed for everybody who made it. And, yet, at the same time you feel angry at them. Every joke is forced and unfunny, every line is a failed punchline, every sight-gag is explained and analyzed until it's even less funny that when it started. The on-going joke is that the dog has a large rectal opening, and for some reason everybody who sees the dog has to stare and tell people about it. Dogs have ass-holes is the point they're trying to make. And this is funny...? When first aired, every line was followed by canned laughter. Not an exaggeration. Every line, every sight-gag, every brisk movement was followed by laughter. The insight that's trying to be given is always ridiculous and every joke is so forced and predictable it's hard to watch. It's made in a style that is nauseating to watch: choppy and chock-full of unnecessary movements to remind you they can make the dollies move. The worst is the hands; every sentence is accompanied with jazz hands because they made movable fingers and they're clearly proud of it. I have watched one episode experimentally and felt sick and angry. I watched another because my friend didn't believe how bad it was. Both were unbearable, and even the commercials are enough to make you want to punch the writers and creators in the face and remind them they aren't clever, they aren't giving a satirical look at society, they are playing with child's toys and writing with childish immaturity. I will be very happy when I stop seeing any previews so I can assume the network came to their senses and canceled it. It's sad, Catherine O'Hara used to be funny.
    starlett2010 So, I caught a couple of commercials for this show and had hopes. I am a fan of Robot Chicken and other Adult Swim shows and I was excited to see that Nick at Nite was offering the same type of humor on their channel. Wow, was I wrong. Glen Martin, D.D.S is a horrid show. It literally gave me a headache. First, the story line is boring and I think can be found in a little movie called National Lampoon's Vacation. Except the "twist" here is that the father is dentist. The show tries extremely hard to copy the growing trend of gross, bizarre, sexual and otherwise adult humor and fails miserably. The jokes are so bad that a laugh track is added in to alert the audience that they should be laughing. But there's nothing funny about the crap on this show. The dentist shoves his hand down a child's mouth to retrieve his bitten off finger only to have his hand exit out of the child's anus. The show is appearance fixated on anuses because there is a running gag in which the dog's large, extruding anus is featured. Disgusting. As I said before, I am a fan of "gross" humor, but only when it is intelligently, satirically and tastefully done, which Glenn Martin, D.D.S is not. This show tries desperately to be funny, is horribly executed, and is just kind of creepy. If you're looking for a new Robot Chicken, Family Guy or South Park kind of show, forget it. Glenn Martin, D.D.S has none of the charm, wit or satire of the other shows. If you want a show that features disgusting and offensive material that caters to lewd morons without a brain in their heads, then this is the show for you. Otherwise, I'd stick to the reruns of your favorite shows.
    Ace_Of_Flames Hey, does your idea of funny involve crude, disgusting jokes with weird animation and an annoying laugh track? Then this show is for you! Where to begin...well, first off, the animation is fairly bad. And by that I mean the entire show looks bad. Every character has this odd look to them, kinda like what you see in shows like Robot Chicken. That along with everything else is not realistic, and at the same time not exactly cartoonish. Somewhere in the middle. Nonetheless, I assure you that you're going to want to throw up because even looking at this show will make you sick because of the gross and unappealing style it has. Seriously, that image of the dogs butt is still stuck in my head, I'm scarred for life. Glenn and his family aren't exactly God's gift from above either. As far as realism in their movements and all....well, their made of clay and it's a stop motion animated cartoon. I never really cared for that kind of stuff.ANIMATION: Sucks Wow, with all these hideous looking people you would think the humor would be able to make up for it. Well, that's absolutely wrong because nearly every joke is repulsive. And when it's not, it's just unfunny. I mean come on, a guy preaching about living life to it's fullest then dying is slightly amusing, but not really original. A kid shoving his head up an elephants butt? Now that's just too much. Glenn Martin DDS completely misses the mark in terms of being funny. Oh, by the way, the laugh track makes me want to bang my head against the wall. So annoying. What makes it worse is that it's like it's trying to tell people when to laugh: as if the creators themselves knew that the show was going to be bad and that everyone needed to be pushed to get even a chuckle out of them.HUMOR: Horrible Overall, this show just blows. A few things in it might make you giggle once in a while, but never does it feel fresh or likable in any way. In fact, Glenn Martin DDS at times feels almost unwatchable. If the promos didn't turn you off to ever watching it, thirty minutes of it will make you regret ever doing it in the first place.OVERALL: 2/10
    jasonisu4 I watched an episode of this show on Nick and it was the most disgusting piece of garbage that I have ever seen on Nick. I can't believe that Nick would even show something like this. I don't even know where to start. The clay animation that is used for this show looks gross and it almost looks like that mess of a show Robot Chicken that Cartoon Network likes to air. Aside from that the content in this program is just awful. In an episode I saw a guy get stabbed in the eye with a knife and they showed blood spurting out of his eye. Then they show a guy get gasoline poured on him and he burns alive. Then a tiger swallows half his body while the other half is shown hanging out of the tiger's mouth. I also saw a boy stick his head in the butt of an elephant. Yes an elephant. While this goes on a crowd watches and they start to throw up. Vommit is clearly shown coming out of about 5 or 6 peoples mouthes. And while all of that was going on they even had the presence of mind to play a laugh track like something was supposed to be funny. None of it is funny, it's just sick. And it's on Nick. I would expect something like this to be shown on Adult Swim or something. The person who allowed this to be shown on Nick needs to be slapped. Nick has really gone downhill in the last couple of years but they have hit an all time low by showing this sick, pathetic excuse of a show!