| 05 October 2002 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    squala The title was not really catchy at first, but the entire show told a different story. Upon seeing a preview of Get Backers in a new cartoon channel, Animax, I first thought they were just people accepting jobs to avenge for their clients, as in "getting back at enemies." I watched the first episode, and it turns out they are actually retrievers, taking back lost or stolen things. The Get Backers duo is basically composed of a mind (Mido Ban) and a heart (Ginji Amano).Ban is technically the leader, who is smart and initially has two powers, the 200-kilogram grip called "Snake Bite," and the Evil Eye, which is some sort of hypnosis making victims imagine different sorts of things for one minute while something else is actually being done around them without their knowing. More of his abilities can be known as the series goes on.Ginji, on the other hand, is a compassionate airhead who generates electricity. It may sound rather uninviting, since there have been many other super heroes who can conduct electricity as well, like Static Shock. But don't let this discourage you; Ginji is a very interesting and lovable character. He may seem like a pushover to Ban, but the latter looks after him most of the time, and both are even more powerful if they sense their partner to be in trouble.There are many more powerful characters in the series, each with their own distinct abilities. The one I liked most is Akabane, aside from Ban. He may have a lusty thirst for fighting, but he is bloodily funny for some reason. Shido is the one I dislike. He takes pride in settling fights without help from anyone, but around half of his work is done by his animal followers. He sort of contradicts his own beliefs this way. However, with his great love and utmost protection for Madoka, the blind violinist, it still makes sense for him to be in the show. I was also annoyed by Fudou, who wants nothing but dead enemies. He only wants to kill people, a total demon. Besides, villains have to be a pain in the neck, so all the more the audience wants him to be defeated. The sound is very good and story is smooth flowing as well - a perfect blend of action, comedy and drama. We shall see many flashbacks on the characters as we watch on, which are equally interesting and can even make some of us sentimental to our own past. Not only do we get to laugh a lot; we can also learn many principles in life, even without any of those superhuman powers.If there was a downside to this show, it's because it has to end. Well, the series wasn't actually concluded yet. There are many questions left unanswered, stones still unturned. There have been rumors of a second set of episodes, but it's been around three years since this series was created. We can do nothing but hope for more.
    shivjm Like sowbi, I too came across this series completely by accident. I turned on the TV one day and started channel surfing, and suddenly saw a new channel -- "Animax" -- with these two guys with cool powers fighting off a few thugs. The voice acting was pretty laughable, but the series captured my imagination. I started watching from the "Venus di Milo" episodes, missed quite a bit, then watched around 47 of the 49 episodes almost religiously! As I said, the voice acting was pretty laughable. However, it wasn't because the actors were bad. It was laughable for the simple reason that Animax appears to use the same three or four actors to do the voices for every single character in every single series. The actors themselves are extremely talented -- they'd have to be, in this situation! -- but it's a little weird to hear one of the villains being voiced by the same guy who gives the voice for one of the heroes (no, they're not supposed to be related or anything like that).Get Backers is, as mentioned earlier, one of my favourite anime series. The cast of characters is amazing. Every single character encountered is fascinating. The animation isn't all that great; the art is quite inconsistent. However, far from dragging the series down, it actually improves on it by lending it personality. Also, the series ending (which has a fairly long buildup) is probably the most well-executed ending I've ever seen.In closing, let me voice my only complaint: Get Backers only lasted for one season of 49 episodes. I want more!
    sowbi I started watching this show by accident but fell in love with it soon enough. Every episode is a revelation.The GetBackers are Ban Midou and Ginji Amano. They are retrieval experts, getting back lost things... for a fee...which they never manage to get. But these are no ordinary guys. Ginji can generate electricity with his body like an electric eel and Ban has an extremely powerful grip called the SnakeBit and he can make a person hallucinate with his 'Evil Eye' or 'Jagan'. Their past is very mysterious and although you get to learn something of Ginji's, Ban's is still shrouded in mystery.Along with Ginji's friends (all of whom hate Ban. Actually almost everyone who meets Ban hates him. Unless you're one of his countless fans watching and sighing over him in front of your TV) from his younger days when he was part of a gang called the volts, the GetBackers have a lot of adventures.The animation is very beautifully done, with some scenes having breathtakingly detailed art. There is, of course, a lot of BL slash fanfiction based on the show and the show itself does have enough fan service to warrant it. What is interesting is that when I tried reading the manga (there was too much of it and I did not have the time), the fan service always seemed more heavy on the T&A, targeting male fans. The show, on the other hand, while featuring several well-endowed women, clearly prioritizes slashy service more. The series may start off slow, but picks up quick enough. Every episode gets funnier and funnier. My fav. would have to be the Venus Di Milo ones (or should I call them the Statue of Liberty ones?!!).Anyway, I hope I've made everyone who has read this want to see it at once. And I hope the Animax version of the series (and NOT the ADV version) will get released soon in my country.So, how long will it take you to like this show? Just a minute!
    Dai-Panda This anime, along with Cowboy Bebop, revived my love of anime. It is original, full of great characters, has a healthy portion of humour, and superb animation. I cannot find more words than that to describe it, but it truly is one of the very best animeshows of all-time. The characters of Mido Ban, and Amano Ginji... it is rare to find characters that feel as if they truly are best friends. There are a few irritations though, such as a slight 'DBZ'/'Naruto'-syndrome on some of the fights, that is, they last for several episodes, and consists mostly of back flashes and silent contemplation of the various things moving through the fighters heads. It makes up for this though, with a very colourful array of characters, such as the two main characters, and of course, the personal favourite; Akabane Kurodou. This truly is, a must-see anime, for all who love the great and original.
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