| 25 April 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    eatcrowepls This should be called B-Spot and the B is for the Boredom you will feel if you ever watch it.
    eugenius-6 I enjoy the playoff between Canadian and American cultures and the way Gigi highlights the differences without slamming anyone (well, not too much). The show's open attitude about sex and nudity is refreshing, unlike Sex and the City which was always a bit coy and never let the lead, S.J. Parker, do anything risqué (she even slept in her bra!). Maybe Brigitte could make some fun out of US prudishness relative to Canada's attitude about top-free women on beaches and in parks. (Legal here but only in a few states in the US). When can we expect to see a new season of the series? I keep watching the endless re-runs in the hope of finding new episodes. Also, when will they get around to crediting the youngster who plays Sasha? I think she's very good but, so far, haven't even discovered her name! Not fair to a budding actress.
    MovieChickie I'm impressed...I really like this show. I never watched it when it was on originally on Movie Central because I thought it was another "Sex and the City" rip-off, only Canadian, and I wasn't the hugest fan of SATC to begin with...but I turned it on the other day on Showcase (where it reruns the same 6 episodes ad-nauseum...please get the second season) and on Movie Central, and I was pleasantly surprised. It is sort of a version of SATC, but it's not totally, because it's about Hollywood. And, since I gather it's about creator/writer Brigitte Bako's real-life (if you disregard the disclaimer) it actually has some bite. The concept is basically an actress named GiGi in her early 30's goes back to Hollywood after some time to try to regain her career, but her original acting career was in sort of bad, b-movies, almost soft-porn kind of stuff (Bako was in the "Red Shoe Diaries"). So the jobs she gets offered are not, well, high caliber. She has three friends, a bad-boy on/off boyfriend etc. The friends also have story lines in the show as well. So the show sort of oscillates between showbiz and personal. It really shines in the showbiz stuff, since that provides the show with it's funniest laugh out loud moments. (There is a scene in the episode "HBO", about the third of fourth episode, where I was in hysterics, I still giggle when I think about it...it was probably the best in the series, shout out to Alberta). So overall, a really solid show. I hope there's a third season, but since it's been over a year since the second...so,probably not. *****I also just want to add that I'm impressed with Bako. Here's a girl who maybe wasn't getting the roles she wanted (I assume from the show) and didn't have the career she wanted, so she went out and created a great role for herself. And she was active in writing the episodes as well as producing and creating the show. Good for her. How often do we hear actresses complaining about how hard it is to get roles in Hollywood if you aren't in you 20's anymore? Bako did something about it. And it's great. And she's great in it. Thanks for the show. And to the viewers, WATCH IT!
    YourFakePlasticLove Brigitte Bako plays "Gigi" an aging actress and aging you know what that means in Hollywood.....you're over 30. She starts a movie career at around age 19 and does b-movies to support her parents. Gets too far into it to get out and only gets b-movie type roles. Fast forward 13 or 14 years later. Gigi goes back to Canada (her home and native land) and cares for her ailing mother who eventually dies. Goes back to Hollywood and tries to make sense of it all. We see Gigi go on auditions, go on bad dates and along the way meet and get to know her friends. This has a "Hollywood style trash --Sex and the City-- vibration" about it...IE: a girl and her friends whine about sex and their lives and get drunk along the way.…The comedy aspect of the show is a little bland and predictable. But I watched pretty much all the episodes in a row and didn't find myself bored at all. So if you miss Sex and the City, love underdog stories and are in need of some serious "girlfriend" time. G-spot is for you. Enjoy :)