Freak Show
Freak Show
| 04 October 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    GrigoryGirl I watched a few of these episodes, and this is a mightily awful show. The animation is very poor, and if this was a deliberate choice on the part of the creators to be "ironic", they're even bigger idiots that I thought. Since when do you go out of your way to make deliberately bad animation for an entire series? Another reviewer put it as "smart comedy in the disguise of complete shat", as if it that's incredibly subversive (which it isn't) to make a really bad show. Ed Wood used to do that all the time, but his stuff was funnier than this show. And this isn't smart; it's the usual smug Gen X comedy. The dialog is overly political, shrill, and is really preaching to the choir. While you may agree with much of it (ironically, I do), it's nothing we haven't heard before from Air America Radio, Margaret Cho, Patton Oswalt, or Janeane Garofalo (who does the voice of the bearded clam here). The dialog is rendered in a lackadaisical fashion, almost as if the cast was asleep, or maybe it's another stab at so-called "irony", or being deliberately bad. The show seems like another parody of Superfriends, a Gen X obsession that really needs to go away. The show has been canceled (mercifully so) by Comedy Central. Let's keep it that way...
    rabiesrkids In an age where Comedy Central thinks Drawn Together and Mind of Mencia are funny shows, it's good to at least see that this show was picked up. Unfortunately not for too long, though.Not that the show is GREAT. Lots of jokes bomb, at times the show seems to lean too much on toilet humor and some are just too bizarre, but I laughed out loud quite a bit. Note that the humor in this show is "Take it as you see it"; that is, there's almost no social commentary. That's a big reason I liked this show.Social commentary can certainly be funny, but after seeing South Park walk down this road long enough to make that show unfunny, it's nice to see a show that's dumbed down and still funny. This being said, much of the shows 'funny' humor comes from dialogue between characters in awkward positions and extreme parodies. The way Larry the Cable Guy is depicted had me rolling.Overall, the show wasn't THAT good. It's usually lowbrow humor mixed with weird. But give it a chance and it may win you over. Just ignore the overly stupid parts.
    midlandtx It's like watching serialized installments of the Altered State of Druggachusetts sketch, only in cartoon form instead of live-action.Just as hilarious and transgressive as Mr. Show with Bob and Dave, but less scattershot than a sketch program. I'm glad the show can take its time over several episodes developing characters and mocking formulaic conventions like the 24-minute sitcom story arc, the weekly "lesson learned," and the retarded local evening news/info-tainment broadcast team. "Freak Show" is funny, smart, quick, and steadily climbing up the Season Pass priority ladder.
    ibentmywookie244 This is probably the worst television show I have ever seen. This steaming pile of garbage is not worthy of taking Drawn Together's time spot after South Park. The usually hilarious David Cross is disappointing and the animation is all crappy. Above all, I don't think I laughed one time throughout the course of the entire show! This once original idea had a lot of potential, but it is trying to be smarter than it actually is, and the smart-comedy In't...well, smart comedy at all. The things that were smart were mere references and the things that almost made me laugh were not supposed to. Do not waste your time on this show, just wait a couple of weeks until it gets cancelled and watch the next cartoon comedy central has to offer. Hopefully it will be better than this.