Flip or Flop
Flip or Flop
TV-G | 16 April 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Artivels Undescribable Perfection
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    coachsls I always liked the show, their end results always look great, their chemistry is down-to-earth, and the show is edited without fluff. In my opinion neither of them try to act for the camera they just respond authentically. The current season after the divorce is even better. Their interaction is genuine friction and very entertaining. His interaction and response to her is always funny even though he is not trying to be funny, I laugh all the time. I read some of the other review and they are very critical of the people and show but I suspect those people do not live in Orange County. I lived there for 50 years and the way they dress, flip flops, etc. is normal. Of all the flip shows I enjoy watching this one the most. I recently watched a new flip show based in palm springs and the guy on that show makes me want to change the channel because his sense of humor is so dumb. Chip gains can also be sappy on almost every show which turns me off. Christina and Terek seem the most real and down-to-earth to me so this is my number 1 flip show.
    mariondowning-427-469344 She changes clothes the whole episode and pretends to do things with her fake nails while he walks around in flip flops and pretends he does the hard work. Then they trot out the cute kids with the eldest helping mom do something token like plant a plant (while mom has a disgusted expression on her face looking at dirt). The worst bit is that this show has been used as a platform by those two to sell real estate flipping conferences to people. People pay thousands of dollars and turn up to learn from them and they show up in video form. The conferences encourage people to increase their credit limit so it can be spent on more expensive conferences. It's like a pyramid scheme featuring those two. And people wondered how they could be so rich just doing this show. Nothing reality about this show and no help for anyone but themselves.
    mrsplinter9 Does the same person own all the houses they buy? Cuz I swear they call the same guy every freakin' episode. And Tarek always says "Hey, this is Tarek El Mousa. We spoke earlier about your house in [ ]". Then...(pause)..."oh, hey!"I mean I like the show for what it is. And if I ever want to reno a former crack house without having it inspected or really considering what I might do or what it would cost; and if I want my finished project to be dark lowers, light uppers, gray accent wall, gray laminate flooring throughout, subway tile with mosaic inset, etc, etc, and be way over budget and priced out of the neighborhood, but somehow still sell for a hefty profit; now I know how!Actually, it is good to know house values in all the different areas of L.A. Somewhere I will never ever live.
    daikon I'm a sucker for any of these home improvement shows and it's easy to have on in the background, which is probably why it's always playing at the dentist's office. That being said, after really watching this show up close a few times I've caught onto things.So first let's be honest. Neither Tarek or Christina really come across as talented people. I'm sure they were both perfectly good real estate agents in their previous careers, but essentially every episode of this show is the same. They buy a dilapidated house, their contractors come on-site to fix it for them, some crisis arises that rocks them to the core and makes them question their investment, but in the end they still walk away with a big healthy profit.So in almost every episode they make a profit. OK, that's wonderful and all, but neither of them actually do anything or add anything insightful. Christina is there to hold the cell phone while Tarek speaks (they can afford an $80,000 Cadillac, but not a cell phone mount?) and her contributions to each house are basically as follows:1. Let's make the kitchen bigger 2. Let's make the master bathroom bigger and put in subway tile 3. Let's paint the front door a bold color for "curb appeal" 4. Let's add subway tile for the kitchen back-splashWow, what would they ever do without her. She's also pregnant for at least half the episodes so she quickly excuses herself from the job site as soon as any real work needs to be performed. The shows are so formulaic that Tarek even makes the same joke each time, "Hey now I get to design the house by myself!" And all the viewers must be wondering, "OK. Why not?"But I don't mean to just pick on Christina. Tarek is an idiot too. He's actually on-site and seems to be available in person or by phone to make decisions when needed, but this guy never has a clue what he's talking about. If it wasn't for the backing of their mysterious investors and HGTV, these two wouldn't be able to run a successful lemonade stand, let alone a real estate business.And here's the deal. The producers obviously ran the show for test audiences and realized that despite their pretty looks, Christina and Tarek are really lacking in personality. So now they run a "family moment" at the beginning of each show which usually means we get to see a staged scene of them hanging out at home with their daughter. It could have worked, but 20 seconds later they cart their kid off to Christina's mother's house where I can only assume she spends most of her time. I mean, we never see her otherwise and I doubt that Christina is taking her along on her many shopping trips and visits to the salon (seriously, I've never seen this woman wear the same thing twice).I give this show 4 stars of 10 because despite all of its problems, it's still nice to have on in the background. It requires very low attention from the viewer, which is perfect in this modern age with all our distractions from smart phones and other stimuli. The contractors they hire are clearly talented people, but if HGTV genuinely wants to improve the show, I would suggest cutting Tarek and Christina and finding a different team of flippers who know a little about construction and DIY work. Given what I've seen, I'm not sure that the two of them are even capable of changing a light bulb.