Flavor of Love
Flavor of Love
| 01 January 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    blackpressradio Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls WERE made of. Sex and dice and cold as ice that's what today's girls are made of. She's perhaps the most hated Black woman in the history of reality TV.But the recently ousted stars tell what really happened during exclusive interviews with DC Livers. In fact, Larissa "Bootz" Hodge Aurora says Mo'Nique was jealous of her, Shay is not her friend and the world hates her because she's pretty in this exclusive audio interview with Black Press Radio.com.To listen to the pod casts visit BlackPressRadio dot com. To read the articles visit BlackPressMagazine dot com.
    ddn32 I had the misfortune of having only one English language channel at my Croatian hotel. It was either another game of rummy with my wife or a reality show I hadn't seen before. Flavor of Love is a cynical, contrived and utterly useless show. Anyone with half a brain (obviously not their target audience) can see that the scenarios are faked, scripted and unreal. One show has a contestant serving Flavor Flav a raw chicken with vegetables stuffed out of its orifices and feigning innocence and ignorance. This show is an insult to Americans and women. I watched this on MTV Europe as were millions of other Europeans. The message we received was that Americans are insincere, vulgar, materialistic and phony among other things. Where is the pride of the contestants ? They made American women look shallow and willing to do anything in the pursuit of celebrity. Seemingly, their ten seconds of fame is worth the indignity of parading around like gold digging sluts.
    AineOHara Flavor of love is a type of show that makes one want to turn away only to peek at what is going on. Flavor of love is shamelessly entertaining and a guilty pleasure.The premise is similar to the bachelor, though in this case it is in a jerry springer-like laughable atmosphere at full pelt. Where women are throwing punches, insults, tearing out weaves and using awful vocabulary that would make English teachers everywhere cringe.In the eye of this hurricane is oddball, eccentric, clock wearing fossil "rapper" Flava Flav out to find a 'paramour' to add to the notches on his bed post with a tribe of raunchy, meretricious women from the section-8 housing projects and the holly-wood and vine corner vying for the flava flav's swarthy affection.Just like with all reality shows (despite Flav's protests) FoL is fabricated and it is just for "T.V".
    caspuh This show is freakin crazy! me and my women watch it every weekend.. 1) I think New York is crazy. Simple as that. I think the they put her back on the show for drama. If Flav was really a man looking for a good women, he would have left New York back on the first show, but no, they brought her back. It's kinda like a soap opera and I wonder if any of it's real. 2) I also wonder about the whole show sometimes.. How can you think you can further your career on a show that's about falling in love with someone? And if they truly do believe they can, then how are any of them real? Krazy? I think shes fake.. but then again I think they are all fake. But then again, it's just a show, a show for entertainment purposes! And it does a very good job at that. I'm very entertained. I like flav, he's badass.. Just wonder the whole idea of the show, I think the first one was real, but this second one.. there's way to many things that make me think they are to bring him to a come back.. but once again, I still love the show;]