Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
| 11 March 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
    Gary-161 Watched "the making of" documentary with an interview with the original author talking cobblers. No, it is not common for serial killers to have partners. It is rare. Most are loners. The author made his killer a woman because of an anecdote by a worker in a psychiatric ward who claimed they were most afraid of the female inmates. Not a good enough reason to make his character a serial killer, which is very rare on the distaff side, let alone in the middle to upper classes. Add to that some banal observations on the moral deception of beauty and hey Presto.This is in fact the usual middle class wankery, enjoying the frisson of playing with "dark" subject matter. Once again, the murder of children is nauseatingly paraded. Aren't we all sick of this? In one stupid scene we are expected to believe a five year old could commit a violent murder with a knife like the beginning of "Halloween". I hope it was computer faked because it would be pretty reprehensible to stage the whole thing with a kid for real.The silliest moment is the sex scene between a wrinkled old priest and a gorgeous young girl with pneumatic breasts. Typical writers fantasy that. In the real world he'd be lucky to get it on with a bag lady in his congregation, if that.On the plus side, I have a thing for Emilia Fox. Just as well, as she's in bloody everything.
    suemartin23264 I've never seen anything like this. The plot is muddled, pure acting talent is thrown to waste, and a lot of characters just don't fit in with the story. The first episode is enough to put you off the rest of this terrible mini series.It starts off in 1979, with a young girl finding her grandfather dead on the floor. Then it skips to the present day, with a stupid scene showing an old woman storming into a church and insulting the vicar. That in itself is one horrible section, and it never gets better.The second and third episodes are arguably better than the first, but, to be honest, none of it is any good.Don't waste your time. Give this one a miss.
    David Martin I enjoyed Fallen Angel on ITV1 this week. It's not your conventional murder mystery we are so used to seeing. I like the innovative "rewind" format used to trace the life of serial killer Rosie (Emilia Fox) back to 1991 and 1979. We uncover her motives and influences that made her what she is - more a whydunit than a whodunit. There are no obvious quick fixes pinning down a single reason for Rosie's behaviour. The complex story arc neatly ties the complex relationships between Rosie, her clergyman father David (Charles Dance), family friend Wendy (Clare Holman) and adversary Michael (Oliver Dimsdale). Running through the core of all three episodes is a subplot about an allegedly murderous clergyman from the 1920's, Francis Ulgreave, who practised child sacrifice. Although long dead, his story casts a long shadow over all the characters with disastrous consequences. Fallen Angel is a provocative and intelligent tale of the need for love and the consequences of keeping secrets. I've already put Andrew Taylor's novels in my Amazon wish list.Fallen Angel - Behind the Scenes on ITV3 provided further enlightenment. It had psychologists detailing scenes in the serial which exemplified the motivations of psychopathic killers. One example, where Rosie storms out after she mistakenly believes that David accused her of stealing stepmother Vanessa's (Niamh Cusack) ring, demonstrates a psychopath's impulsiveness. Andrew Taylor deliberately made his killer female to counter society's preconceptions of beautiful women being all sweetness and light. One case he was influenced by was that of baby killer Beverley Allitt. The cast and crew discuss the nature / nurture debate as to what makes a person evil. One bit of trivia: Clare Holman had make up applied which creased her face to make her look older in the contemporary scenes. She was so well camouflaged that a crew member mistook her for a chaperon!There were good performances all round. Charles Dance was studious as the repressed and sexually rapacious vicar. Niamh Cusack was effectively obsessive and tetchy as David's second wife, Vanessa, who is more interested in Francis Ulgreave's journals than satisfying her husband's hungry sexual appetite. Mark Benton was convincing as Eddie, the paedophile simpleton unwittingly manipulated by Rosie into doing her murderous bidding. Sheila Hancock gives a majestic performance as Francis Ulgreave's adopted daughter mischievously keeping her family secrets from the desperately fascinated Vanessa. Emilia Fox was cold and calculating as Rosie, but also gave her the soft, childlike vulnerability of someone who craves ultimate adult power, but hasn't grown up and is trapped and defined by her tragic past and disappointments in life. The young child actors were splendid too. Jade Sharif as Michael's kidnapped daughter portrayed a captivating and heart-melting innocence that belied her ignorance of the dangerous situation she was in. Tigerlily Hutchinson as the young Rosie was magnificent as the headstrong and inquisitive youngster tightly drawn into a web of religious obsession that drives her on the road to murder.
    AngryKid108 In my view's, this is one of the best itv drama's for some time now. Emilia Fox plays such a wonderful, disturbed and black hearted killer in Fallen Angel. With Fallen Angel, it takes you back in time from when she gets caught kidnapping the little girl, to when she is a teenager and what drives her to this madness and when she in a five year old girl. There are some outstanding performances by Charles Dance who plays Rosmarie's (Emilia Fox) dad and Clare holman as Wendy who is Lucy's grandmother. If you had missed the drama, it will be available to by on the 19th of March on DVD. I strongly advise you that if you like drama's, you'll love this. View the trailer at http://www.fallenangel.itv.com.
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