Extreme Makeover
Extreme Makeover
| 11 December 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Godsmackrulesall I think it's sad that I have to live in a world where people live in a box with a one track mind that insist on polluting others such as myself, with their "out to destroy attitude" and ruin any opportunities that may come available in an otherwise cruel world. It disgust me that people such as the ignorant ones on this site,(way to many to point out, but they have spoken their nonsense unfortunately, and know who they are) devote their entire lives to make this world a dull, boring, restricted existence, and eventually, I truly think their ultimate goal is to live in a country with no freedoms, no miracles, and no belief in seeing other's hoping for a brighter, more positive, Gee,... "I want to live" and maybe have more of a chance at happiness now that I feel life won't hold me back based on my outside appearance and it does happen people. And people can and do have a lot of short-comings unfortunately, solely due to being judged ugly and unattractive on the outside and perhaps,...unworthy of having opportunities that attractive people do have. This, once in a lifetime opportunity that is now available to otherwise, poor or misfortunate people, does now exist and this show is just one of the many avenues that is available, and I support it fully. I think it's a beautiful thing when we are blessed with the ability to breathe new life into other's, who live day by day in a miserable, unjust, and unfair existence. It just might turn a life around in a positive way, and allow one to finally be accepted as they already should have been, instead of continuing to live a life of exclusion. Why then, is it such a bad or sad thing? That is my question for all of you sad, incredibly small minded people out to restrict our world...why? Why, wouldn't it tear you up, as it does me whenever someone's dreams have a much better chance at coming true? Some people have to make an extra effort to achieve happiness, while others have it handed to them. Why...would you say the negative things you have? Does that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside because you have way too much "holier than thou", I'm better than that attitude embedded into your oh, so hard to believe human chemical makeup? You make me sick. It's people... and I'm being very friendly when I say people, like you that make people like myself hard to appreciate every human. Because unfortunately, I know you roam this world in masses, and I am amongst your ignorance and I am outnumbered. It's scary and disheartening, to say the very least. Don't you dare ruin, ban, destroy and/or spew your narrow minded garbage on something that is otherwise a beautiful avenue for one to enrich their life or at the very least, an opportunity for one to have the ability to feel better about themselves. If I want to enrich my life, than by God I have that right...however I, or other's see fit! Stop restricting the movies I watch, the music I listen to, and the life I live, and apply all your efforts towards something more positive and useful like helping to make a difference in an abusive, cold, cruel world! Then maybe you would be more beautiful inside, more likable. It's idiots like you that make me dislike people in general. Good people however do still exist, and they unfortunately have to go out of their way with extra effort to be a friend of mine thanks to the likes of you "monsters". This show couldn't help any of you, you're ugly inside. Yea, the kind of people that abuse our beautiful animals, self-centered, dummies with no true purpose in life. Make a new start, keep your big ignorant lips zipped and learn to open your minds. Have a wonderful, lousy day!
    mjadjiri I have been told I'm a pretty girl all of my life. However, since my early teens, I've been a bit overweight. In elementary school, my front teeth were broken on the playground, I had root canals which failed and abscessed. For years my front teeth were capped, but a stand-in dentist pulled them by mistake, thinking that the extreme pain I had was from the teeth. It was my sinuses, so I could have probably saved what was left of my teeth! My present bridge keeps coming loose and I've been told that I need a new one. However, I would like implants to replace it. I have been self conscious of my front teeth since elementary school and would like to be over that! I now have a turkey neck, droopy eyes and wrinkles on my forehead. Beside that, my breasts are VERY droopy and my stomach has begun to droop. I have cellulite on my buttocks, down to my legs. HELP!!! My self esteem has been so beat that it is TIRED! I am now an author of a book to help relationships, motivational speaker and would like to feel more confidence from the inside. Having helped others through the airwaves on my radio talk show and also my cable TV health talk show, now I would like help for me. I am healthy and work very hard, but need a makeover. I have not been in a relationship for 5 or 6 years, because I am so self-conscious naked. Can you HELP me? I am willing to come on your show! I LOVE the show!
    msvanraye02 I am sorry that you feel the way you do Mina about this show. The reality of it all is that yes the world is so superficial when it comes to looks. Yet at the same time, you be that ugly duckling outside and feel it in the inside, and you be the odd one that everyone makes fun of and picks on your hole childhood and teenage life. You be the one that has been called every ugly name in the book and get no love and affection from anyone OUTSIDE your family. You be the one that for years get your self esteem knocked down over and over again. I hope that one day you look in that mirror and see total discuss cause the world has degraded you from felling pretty or attractive and you want nothing more then to make changes and be so financially strapped that it becomes nothing but a dream to you. I am a 39 year old transsexual. I was an ugly boy who was picked on cause I looked like a girl and beet up everyday of my life till I quit school at 16 and ran away just to find someone who would accept me. Then I meet someone that gave me affection and showed me love but controlled me and degraded me on a daily basis because I was so ugly I would never find anyone else to love me and if I ever left I would die alone and ugly. I then left and did make changes that I could afford. I stated hormones and started to make the transition of being a transsexual. I am a decent looking TS but still very insecure of myself. I have very small breast that my friends pick on me and call man breasts. I also have a somewhat masculine jaw line and broad shoulders and no hips and ass. Out of shape and unattractive under my clothes. I have to live with that on a daily basis. I would love more than anything to have a ticket to go on this show and be able to for once in my life feel better about myself and love whom I see in the mirror. To feel confident with myself. I would not do it for anyone but ME. I would be content to live my life alone for the rest of my life and be happy and love myself then be alone and disgusted with my looks. I am called Vanessa and my friends all call me Man-essa, I am not a very unattractive person and I do look very passable but there are still those features I could never change due to finances. This show does it for those like me who dream of finally loving themselves.
    Mina In this show, we get to watch a bunch of extremely insecure people getting plastic surgery that will supposedly make them look more beautiful. Afterwards, they are given a haircut, shown how to dress etc, etc. Finally, they go back home after being away for like 2-6 months and are presented to their friends and family who never fail to applaud, cry and tell them how beautiful they are. I don't get it. I really don't get it. Is this what entertainment is supposed to be about? The only thing this show has ever provided me with is an intense feeling of sadness. It makes me feel sick of the world we live in. In this world people have to get a facelift, breast implants, or a tummy tuck in order to feel beautiful. The people that win these makeovers are always going on about how thankful they are to their relatives for giving them "the best gift ever", a ticket to this show, that is. I, on the other hand, would be extremely hurt and insulted if my boyfriend entered me into Extreme Makeover. It is your family and loved ones you're supposed to turn to in order to hear how nice you look, even if that isn't true. Also, I've seen that others consider that to review this show means to tell people who don't like it that we're all wrong and mean, as it's a wonderful experience for those who were not born beautiful. My point is this: As long as shows like this exist, those people will go right on thinking they are ugly when they aren't. And you know why? Because shows like this promote a Barbie- doll idea of beauty, telling you that if you're not a size D with a perfectly constructed nose you're ugly. Right. So, you can have your beautiful experience. Just please please please understand that you getting plastic surgery will probably make another girl who is a size A feel ugly, even if she isn't. Good job. I guess somebody could like this show in a sadistic kind of way. I thankfully don't.