East Los High
East Los High
| 03 June 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    dco353 I was excited to watch a show that has mostly Latino actors and actresses and i figured i'd look past the high school aspect of it cuz anime still manages to make quality shows with young protags. Unfortunately East Los High suffers from everything that is just flat out wrong with soaps. I guess one just has to be a fan of the overdramatic/forced acting aspect of soaps to really enjoy this show and i guess im just not that demographic. i went in not realizing that and immediately noticed that the acting is garbage and unbelievable especially from the main love interest of the nerd girl, the cousin loses her love interest a couple episodes in and it just feels really lifeless and dumb. the dynamics between the characters are so contrived that i found myself cringing the first 3 or 4 episodes i watched; thats like an entire hour of just being recoiled from trash. I only see good reviews of this show when i look it up online and there are like a couple on here that don't mention the acting, pacing, or the overall hate for the characters. Maybe it's just me but this show sucks. If you're into this kind of thing i envy how cynical you aren't and can only be glad you're enjoying it. Overall this show sucks, I hate absolutely everything about it, and even though it allegedly has a lot of PSAs that are more for Latinas and pregnancy, that does not mean it has to express itself so vapidly. If you're looking for a show with Latinos in high school that takes itself weirdly seriously but does not express it well do not watch this garbage.
    leo_animi This show provides a very real look at what it is like to be a young adult in this country. It touches on all of the peer pressure, relationships, family issues, childhood trauma, all while trying to build a future for yourself. After a couple of episodes you become involved in the story line and the characters. My wife was openly yelling at the TV during an episode when she didn't agree with something a character did. The actors did a great job playing the part and really making the viewer feel like they were viewing everything in first person. Love the show!
    hddu10 Set in East LA, the show revolves around a handful of high school aged characters with a back-drop around a dance-club (like a cheer-leading squad). While much of the dialogue is predictable, campy and cliché', it does have its moments in bringing a "slice of life"/reality of living in East LA-- which has changed so much over the last 20 years that it gives the viewer impression that this could almost be set in any large city. The majority of these actors have never had training or much experience prior to this project, but you can sense they are really giving it their best (and a couple really do stand out). Even though most of the actors are far beyond high school age, I'd compare this to a very good high school production. I think for the budget and experience-level of the people involved, it actually comes off very polished (great editing too), and they should all be proud to have accomplished this series. However, the series' MAJOR downfall is the head writer; Carlos Portugal has been using this series to push his homosexual/anti-Christian propaganda, and the characters are turning out like any typical Hollywood stereotypes that reflect Hollywood ultra-liberal values as opposed to Catholic/Christian people living in East LA (and...yeah...that happens to be the majority).
    champjohnson29 East Los High is like Degrassi meets Mean girls. I was so enthralled in seeing what would happen next that I watched the entire 1st season in two days. I really enjoyed it especially seeing an all Latino cast command the screen. It's very seldom you see other ethnic groups make shows like this but I really enjoyed it.My only inhibition with the last ten, or so, episodes is that it stopped being about high school drama or more of a crime, gangster film. There were a lot of different modern day, teen issues that could be explored but it's obvious the writers had a soft spot for the character, Maya, played by Alicia Sixtos. She was amazing to watch on film and her entire storyline could have been a series all on it's own with all she had to deal with. I was just disappointed because some characters that were introduced got very little screen time and weren't explored even further. I was watching expecting to see a funny, scandalous, high school war but everything they did pretty much happened outside of the High School. Overall, it was a good series to watch. If there is a Season 2, I'd prefer for the main characters to all start out in 9th and 10th grade that way they can stick around for more than one season and I would also prefer for the writers to keep it all the issues centered around the high school. If not, don't call is East Los High.