Earth Story
Earth Story
| 01 November 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Hotwok2013 Presented by zoologist Aubrey Manning "Earth Story" is a riveting documentary on the geological forces that have shaped & changed the surface of our planet over hundreds of millions of years. Scientists now realise that these changes have directly affected the evolution of all life, both plant & animal, on the earth. Nineteenth century scientists had worked out that the earth over geological time had gone in & out of ice ages but the Serbian geophysicist Milutin Milankovic was the first man to calculate that the ice ages were due to the earth's precession. The earth acts like a gyroscope in that it note only spins on its axis but that its axis moves from side to side. This movement has now been calculated to occur over approximately every 26,000 years & so that when the North Pole is furthest away from the sun you will get an ice age. The German scientist Alfred Wegener studied the surface of the earth & saw that the west coast of Africa & the east coast of South America were very similar in shape & that moving them together you would get a surprisingly good fit. He wondered if they had somehow moved apart over geological time & theorised that all the earth's land masses might be in a constant state of motion. Later scientific studies proved him correct. Down the centre of the Atlantic Ocean is a rift valley running almost its entire length spewing out volcanic lava slowly pushing the two continents ever further apart. It has now been estimated that the 7000 miles distance or so between the continents has occurred over 58 million years. The age of the dinosaurs, which went extinct some 65 million years ago, had come & gone before all of this happened. This phenomenon now called "continental drift" occurs all over the world. The 19th century scientist Alfred Russell Wallace spent time in the islands of South East Asia studying the flora & fauna of these islands. He observed the curious fact that they were very different if you drew a north to south line down them at a certain point. Not only that, he also observed that very few species of birds would fly over that hypothetical line. Two of the islands in question are only 12 miles apart. He began to wonder if the two sets of Islands had evolved separately & had moved closer together over geological time. This quite brilliant notion was, again, proved to be entirely correct once the "tectonic plate theory" had been established as true. As with the Atlantic Ocean there are rifts in all the worlds oceans pushing the land masses slowly around the globe. When an ocean is pushed into another ocean or land mass one will be driven underneath the other in a process known as "subduction". The tectonic plate containing Australia & its surrounding islands have moved ever closer to the Asian tectonic plate over millions of years. That line is now named after Mr. Wallace. As I said at the outset this is a fascinating documentary & I feel it wouldn't be a bad idea to make it compulsory viewing in all schools. Before finishing this review I would like to mention that the user review score for this fascinating BBC documentary is only 6.3 points. To my mind, this is ridiculously low & would I happily score it a maximum 10!.
    m-solomon I originally watched Earth Story when it was shown for the first time on BBC2, and I'm currently watching it again on UKTV History ten years later.It is truly a brilliant series, explaining every facet of the Earth's many geological processes: such as plate tectonics, subduction, spreading, the carbon dioxide cycle and iron deposition as well as how those processes interact with the planet's meteorology and biology in a complex dance. It also reveals how the Earth is also reliant on and affected by the other elements of The Solar System.Personally, I don't see how you can get to the conclusion of the previous reviewer. Manning doesn't get involved in climate change, largely because the programme pre-dates the current debate and because the series sets out to be instructive about the natural life-cycle of the planet as opposed the effect of humans on that planet.Manning is more interested in a planet that's existed for several billion years and is - as far as we can tell at the moment - unique, certainly in this solar system. The fact that humans who currently infest the planet may well cause the whole thing to go pear-shaped is outside the scope of the programme which is great because it avoids turning the programme into a polemic.All in all, it's an instructive, well-told story that is - as previously mentioned - an example of how the BBC can make great programmes when it abides by the "mission to educate" that was the blueprint of Sir John Reith when the corporation was established.
    johnmcc150 Earth Story is a masterpiece in the way it clearly describes our present understanding of the geological processes. If anyone had said I would sit through eight programmes about geology, watch them again and then a third time, I would not have believed them. It gives the information clearly and straight, without patronising. This is in contrast with the BBC's current hyper-active style which uses a succession of irrelevant images when dealing with scientific subjects and which has to tell everything three times. In Earth Story the camera-work illustrates the points, the people who made the discoveries explain their contributions well, and it is held together by Aubrey Manning's intelligent narrative. Would the BBC please go back to making science programmes like this? I can only suppose that the voters who gave it less than 10/10 were forced to watch it at school.
    jim-1837 An absolutely brilliant mini-series which the BBC has bizarrely chosen not to release as a region 2 DVD in Europe. A friend gave me my Asian copy as a present, having located it only after doing a fair amount of online searching. As the previous reviewer said, this is the presenter's own voyage of discovery as well as our own. The programmes have been exceptionally well put together, the series is logically structured, and the subject matter is never dry or dull. I have an 8-year old nephew who asks to see this each time he comes to visit, in preference to Harry Potter or a cartoon. This should be compulsory viewing for everyone, particularly children with enquiring minds. I only have 2 small complaints: the series is too short, and at the same time it is easy to watch too much of it at once and end up with square eyes! Congratulations to the BBC: programmes like this really justify the license fee.