| 22 September 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    GJValent Thank you uber_geek. I thought that I was the only one who remembered Dweebs, and it being the obvious progenitor of TBBT. Of course, it took me five seasons of TBBT to remember it. Four nerdy, brilliant guys, and one, hot, down to earth, not so nerdy girl ? You can catch the first episode, in parts, on YouTube. Dweebs even skips the establishing scene breaks. TBBT does it with the atom animation. Dweebs does it with a Windows 3.1 style icon screen and a cursor that selects the next scene. If it had been a hit, would we have gotten two more girls to make it more like Friends, with brains ? I've been a computer tech all of my life, starting with college in 1968. That was before we landed on the moon. (Which, by the way, happened on my 19th birthday.) Another thing, check out this plot synopsis from season 1, (their only season), episode 4,'Warren is contacted by woman through instant messaging and Carey responds for him in a flirtation manner. However, not everything is as it seems. Karl is selected for a NASA software mission into space'. As a friend pointed out, introduction to Amy, plus, Howard going into space. What more proof do you want ? Anyway, a show, apparently, ahead of its time, as TBBT is one of CBS biggest hits.
    uber_geek This was one of those shows that didn't get a chance. Think of Big Bang Theory before its time. Quirky, socially awkward, but brilliant nerds meet a girl.Peter Scolari's character is kind of a Bill Gates who started a company in his garage. Their business takes off and they have to get an office and secretary. They have brains (and now money!), but don't know how to relate outside of other nerds. Warren Mosbey (Scolari's character) has trampoline in his office, which he would jump on while thinking.Unfortunately this just didn't take off back in 1995, when most people didn't even know what the internet was yet. Also, I agree with others that the title didn't appeal to non-geeks. It says something that I still recall the series from over 15 years ago that only had 11 episodes.
    rabelasian-180-104943 I loved this show but only managed to see 7 out of the 10 episodes made since CH4 only showed it once and at a ridiculous time of morning so I'd already missed the beginning of the series before I realised it was on.I recorded 6 of the episodes I saw (which I just dug out of storage and copied onto DVD for posterity ;^) ) I've managed to watch the first episode on YouTube but it's the only one there and I can't find any other episodes anywhere else so there's still two episodes I've never seen.I'd love to get my hands on copies of episodes 1-4 so I could have the full series available, better still they'd release it on DVD but I can't see that happening anytime soon.
    Kathryn Rooke-Matthews This show is quite simply the sharpest, funniest comedy I've ever seen. My dad taped them when Channel 4 showed them at 3am at the weekends and we both love the series. The writing is simply beautiful and all the actors work so well together that it flows wonderfully. How anyone could have cancelled this is beyond me and I do hope that someday we will be able to buy them on DVD. I met Corey Feldman in 2005 and asked him if he knew how I could get copies and he said "They'll probably release them when I'm dead." It devastates me that I have only managed to retain one full episode and five minutes of another and neither of those includes Vic's vulture :(
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