Doggy Fizzle Televizzle
Doggy Fizzle Televizzle
| 25 November 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    m2a2_iraq when i 1st saw Doggy Fizzle Televizzle i thought it wasnt going to last but DAMN that show is funny my favorite skit is the diary of Big jeffrey he said some things that doesnt make sence like "Octember" or "copaletic" my favorite part was when he said "its big bugging like bitches for sure man you know what im talking about" and the he said something that i cant understand and they tried to qoute him but they put "what the f****? que? say what" 2 ?. fo shizzle
    imperial_wizard this is so funny. Snoop Dogg should have just been an entertainer all of his life, instead of being a dumbass rapper. anyhow, this is great. check it out sometime on MTV. and I don't usually like MTV very much.
    sketchyninja Very Funny! Even if you are not a hardcore rap fan (which i'm not), it's still a very good skit show with Snoop being creative and coming up with different ways of making you laugh. I did have the honor of going to his concert once and he just knows how to entertain and work the crowd which he does on his show now. He just looks like a pimp. Too funny. One of the few good reasons to watch MTV now. (ditch the road rules already)
    lordofpunk2005 I'm not a big rap fan, (in fact, ever since Tupac died its been crap, but I'm just a street punk, what do I know) anyways, i was channel surfing and i saw this and decided to see if it was funny. I laughed my butt off, the whole "braided bunch" skit was hilarious and his ice cream truck skit was kool too. people should watch this show, just because its so funny.