Do or Die
Do or Die
| 02 January 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
    Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    CherryBlossomBoy Not as fast as this show is edited!Seriously, does stroboscopic bombardment fall under "TV standards" these days? Over-the-top, vomit-inducing editing, relentless zoom- ins and zoom-outs, dips to white so numerous you think you're staring at the lightning, replays and replays of the exact same crappy low resolution Youtube footage over and over again......I have to ask people who create this type of television: what rock have you crawled out from under? Do you really think this is a useful or fun way to present a content, you obnoxious morons? Bloody MTV-director-wannabes have infested, yes, infested documentary productions and these days you can't watch a nice and relaxing show about anything. Everything seems to have to be so frenetic and so all over the place even people with ADHD must have hard time trying to pick up on what's going on. Honestly, I think producers (if you can call them that) behind this hate their audience, because this is an attack on the senses beyond any respect for the medium or the people it's intended for.Which brings me to the content. Seemingly, it's intended for people that want to learn a little something about handling precarious life situations. How to survive choking, crashing, burning "& stuff". However, it's a hoax. It's just a trick to show you garbage you can find on Youtube yourself. Only here it's under the guise of educational TV. But there is nothing educational about it and, frankly, heeding to some of the advice given on the show is what might get you killed in the first place.Which brings me back to the hate for one's audience. Hate and contempt. "Don't try this at home" is often uttered by condescending narrator. You don't say! It's not even funny anymore. When they illustrate something, they do it so literally and so cheaply it would make a 4-year-old cringe. And after every commercial break they do practically entire exposition all over again, in case you just "tuned in" or forgot what was all about. I hope I will.The sad and old truth behind all this is that all the flashiness and sensationalism of wretched efforts like "Do or Die" is to conceal almost complete lack of substance. Just something to fill up the time slot, like most crap nowadays on National Geographic, Discovery Channel and the likes. Doesn't even stand out by awfulness - many other shows are just as bad. Perhaps in this case a catchy little title might trick a fool like me into watching for a while.Do or die?. That is the question... Perhaps it was also a leitmotif for producers when this show was conceived. Well, in that case: Dear producers, I don't care if you die... just don't do anymore, please!