Difficult People
Difficult People
| 05 August 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
    Jezza819 As a fan of both Billy Eichner and Amy Poehler I was hoping for something good out of them and they definitely didn't disappoint.The show reminds me of my favorite comedy right now "Veep" in that it moves very quickly and if you're not paying attention the comedy can sometimes fly right by you.Julie Klausner and Billy Eichner play comedians that are trying to get their big break in show business but keep coming up short. The situations they get themselves in are very funny and complex. The supporting cast is very good as well. James Urbaniak plays Julie's boyfriend that works at PBS. But my favorite is Andrea Martin that plays Julie's mother. I loved Andrea back in the SCTV days and it's great to see her back on TV.Now I absolutely hate pop culture and that whole celebrity obsessed scene but I love how Julie and Billy make fun of it using little quips and references. The list of people that make cameo appearances is pretty impressive too.If you're not fast enough to pick up on the jokes or you like more traditional comedies, then you might not like Difficult People which might explain some of the low review scores. But if you have a sophisticated sense of humor and an open mind then you're probably going to love it.
    krisfitztpa I love this show. It's obnoxious...because Julie & Billy are so into themselves it's unbelievable. Through all the obnoxious behavior you end up loving the characters and their struggles for finding themselves in their mid 30s. So many shows characters "find themselves" at 22...let's be real who finds themselves in their 20s. Future divorcees, maybe. If you aren't into pop culture references, don't watch it. Save it for people who are. Like me! Arthur isn't brought up in many reviews and he should be. The weird but loving names he calls Julie in each episode are enough for him to come up. I hope his character gets bigger in their next season.
    kristoffer-592-131193 Registered this account just to warn people about this show.Poorly written, bland characters and with a persistent lack of comic swagger. It's like Seinfeld (25 years later) just without the wit, charisma, genius and charm.The show has the aura of a high school project with a 100 USD per episode budget.Saw one season and didn't laugh – or even smile – for one second. It's for the audience that's not intellectual enough to get Louis CK.For people who are interested in the neurotic/narcissistic humour genre I'd recommend You're The Worst, reruns of Seinfeld or Louie.This show doesn't bring anything new/good to the table. Can't believe that this was on HBO. Beware.
    b-rick690 I went into this show knowing literally nothing about it. The show follows two friends Billy and Julia trying to break into show business. They dislike pretty much everyone except each other and are completely narcissistic and shallow.Both of the main characters are constantly talking trash about celebrities whom they are obviously envious of. I really enjoy how self absorbed the main characters are as I feel like it's pretty much a job requirement for a comedian or actor.Although a lot of the jokes targeting various celebrities are funny, a lot of the humor comes from the characters dropping a joke to the wrong audience. One example is the controversial Blue Ivy joke. Billy and Julia attend a dinner party hosted by some rather square friends. Julia tells a story about posting a tweet that said She can't wait for Blue ivy to be old enough for R Kelly too pee on." Everyone at the party is offended and rather than back peddling, she continues to explain the joke further. I did find that joke to be pretty funny, but I feel like the people getting offended are failing to recognize that the joke was intended to show how socially daft the main characters are as opposed to just being offensive for the sake of being offensive. There are also a ton of great guest stars including a "Sober Magician" Named Abra Cadouglas played by Kate Mckinnon who only does magic tricks that tie into her sobriety. This show is MA and takes full advantage of being able to say what it wants. Although it is edgy and no at times dark you really do emotionally connect to the characters. I foresee a long run from thus show. I am very impressed with "Difficult People" so far and look forward to seeing a long run it may not have been able to have on traditional television.