Diamond Geezer
Diamond Geezer
| 20 March 2005 (USA)
  • 1
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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    Executscan Expected more
    thegreatflex67 i watched and was again amazed by David Jason's total genius, i swear this man could read the phone book and have everyone totally enthralled i am sincerely hoping this is made into a series,it would be fun to watch the character develop,it seems David Jason can make anything he touches into an absolute classic, his portrayal of the idiot inmate was absolutely uncanny, it was a bit strange in a way to watch him play the criminal after the convincing role of a copper in a touch of frost, but that wore off after about five seconds as i became totally engrossed in the show. long may David grace our screens and bring us such interesting and thought provoking shows,bravo David