Diabolik Lovers
Diabolik Lovers
TV-MA | 16 September 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Irishchatter I found that this anime was quite good! At least its not like 'Twlight' or "dance with devils" with bored vampire stares and a group of guys singing poorly to a girl. This anime was far from that, it actually does give you goosebumps that are kinda sexy in a way and that'll make you be turned on by some of the scenes! I even like the main characters backstory where she is considered a vampire herself but she was actually adopted by a priest. However he asked to stay in the house where the vampire boys live since he was going overseas. I mean, it is interesting in a way that a priest who is "meant" to be vampire haters, can ask vampires to look after his adopted daughter for him. I swear I have never seen an anime have that kind of plot before and that's why I like that this anime is different!I definately wouldn't consider putting this as the top 10 worst anime out there, it's rather one of the goodish ones out there! Dislike this review if you think I'm wrong but I felt it was good enough! That's why I'm giving it a 8/10!
    brittanyreneeparks This series....or rather this abomination is what I would call a trainwreck that never had itself on rail. Visual novels aren't easy to adapt. In fact, recent years has shown that many anime series never lives up to its original material that result in disappointed fans. However, there are also some VN adaptations that are so horrid, so atrocious, so dreadful, so disastrous, so unappealing that it can be in a category of its own. Diabolik Lovers belongs to the category for failure with all its rights. This show is something of a tragedy - an anime adaptation that is almost an insult to the brain to watch. Diabolik Lovers is an anime series adapted from the visual novel of the same name. Zexcs handles its production and from one of their more recent notorious series known as Aku no Hana (Flowers of Evil), it's their chance to step up to the plate again. But only this time, we deal not with a gym clothes but instead with vampires.The series begins with a young girl named Yui Komori who we know almost nothing about. Well, on the surface, we know that she seems to be a normal girl with a sweet personality. However, I would describe Yui as an empty doll. Why? Well it's because she is constantly being played by the guys of this show. She takes the role of a toy and the boys just loves to have their play time. Of course, the guys that plays with her aren't exactly normal. No in fact, they are vampires. They view Yui as a meal nearly every time their eyes are set on her. She is their happy meal and they're loving it.Yui also gets treated by the vampire boys as almost a dog on a leash. In essence, she becomes exactly what a frail girl is - helpless, pathetic, and unresisting. On various occasions, she tries to get out of her situation typically involving rape-like scenarios but finds it ever so difficult to do so. It's a story gone wrong with Yui being the heroine. No matter how girlish she is, there's no limit on her stupidity and how she deals with her new lifestyle. Whether it's at home or at school, she submits to her tormentors without ever trying to escape. To make matters worse, she even compliments on the guys in hopes of getting a break. The result though? Vampire rape, hickeys, and blood scars.As an anime series aimed at a female audience, I suppose the guys have some appealing features. Most of them are designed to look aristocrats and behaves as such. In their minds, they are the masters of the mansion and Yui is their dog. The only difference is that instead of the guys feeding them, it's the other way around. Most of them have contrasting personalities ranging from Shu's laziness, Reiji's demanding attitude, Ayato's aggressiveness, Kanato's unstable mind, and Raito's sadism. Regardless their differences though, they all want one thing: Yui's blood.The construction of the story is absolutely ridiculous. There is almost no plot development or characterization; there is never in fact any character development since all of them sees Yui as food with their vampiric eyes. Most of the early episodes focuses on the guys whom each gets his chance to spend some time with Yui. These usually end up with Yui losing blood and crying herself to tears. Are we supposed to feel sorry for the girl? Perhaps but with what she's doing, there's a complete sense of hopelessness for her. Each of the guys also seems to have some sort of history as demonstrated by occasional flashback scenes played throughout the series. Unfortunately, it's never really fully explored so it's up to viewers to guess in their heads. The story itself also assumed contain a form of romance but usually comes out in an atrocious way that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Artwork wise, there's nothing really special with the way the characters are designed besides their outfits. Their eyes reflects those of a vampires so some of them are noticeable. The mansion the characters live in has some artistic value with an English-like architectural design. Unfortunately, the atmosphere of the series obliterates any sense of artistic value since it twists around the idea of sexual abuse. The soundtrack is mediocre at best with an eerie like background. The way the show handles itself hardly comes as any special in terms of OST because most of the time, you'll be listening Yui fighting for her life and screaming her lungs out. The screams she lets out is a cry for help but no one ever comes. I do give some credit to the ED song though as it creates a sense of darkness. Additionally, the show's sadistic voice tones of Ayato and Raito gets the job done in that field.Diabolik Lovers is the perfect example of how to not adapt a shoujo anime series based off a game. The shows' sadism and vampire rape tones is almost an insult to viewers itself. Yui is one of those characters that is unbearable to watch. At various times, I found myself siding with the vampires since they at least have a control of their characters' degree. Oh and the humor? It's blend as dry paint. It tries to add some humor to its dialogues but this comes out as awkward and senseless. Thank goodness each episode is less than the typical 24 minutes or I would of screamed my lungs out for it to be over. Ultimately, I did stick around the show to see how it developed or ended. Unfortunately, it proves once again just how much of an abomination it really is.
    Killian Bleu I'm honestly not even sure how I ended up watching this show (I don't even like anime?), but I did. I ended up watching the whole season to see if it would even shape up to be anything that made sense, but *spoiler* it didn't. The basic plot is that this poor girl ends up living in a house full of naaasty vampire boys who rape her a lot. It's disturbing that that was the main focus of the show and how it was romanticised. I did not watch past the first season for obvious reasons.
    ar-05319 I thought this was a clever series and really enjoyed it, they adapted it very well from the game. For the first series my favourite characters were probably Ayato, Laito and Kanato. This is probably because the triplets took centre stage in the second half whilst the other Sakamaki siblings fell into the background a little. I will agree that Yui is not strong but her character isn't really meant to be so her persona doesn't bother me. The artwork was excellent, I was very impressed with the detail. The voice acting was very good as well (I know they were the same voices from the game but they played out very well in anime form too). The music was good, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the opening sequence (I usually skip them). In the second series I was pleased to see the writers introduce the Mukami's who gave the show another level. I found a soft spot for Azusa and like in the first series I liked looking at backstories. There was less action but I was pleased with the ending particularly since it suggested there would be a third series which I had been hoping for as there is plenty more game material to cover. This series isn't for everyone but and I had a very good time watching it and if male-harem romance is something you're into I would suggest giving it a show.