Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
TV-14 | 14 June 2007 (USA)

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    SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
    Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
    Joe Moran So much potential, so little realized.I'm not going to do a full review but this is what I feel could of made it 2x as good as it was.1) Dante's/Sparda's back story is never really explained. Sparda is mentioned a few times but to anyone who hasn't played the games it's just a name to them and it could be quite confusing.2)No mention of Vergil. Why? For me the defining moment of DMC is when the two brothers have their final face off in the third game or even any of the battles in the third game. He's a perfect opposite of Dante. Obviously anyone who has played the games knows that Vergil decides to remain in the demon realm where his father grew up and is then 'recruited' by Mundus and the series is set after the events of the first game.Even if it was a flashback to where they battled or even just them growing up together with their mother but nope, nothing.3) For me this was the biggest mistake of the entire series: Dante NEVER uses his 'Devil Trigger'. I mean come on, that power was MADE for anime! Imagine the amazing colours of his glowing red power emitting from his body and his incredible speed. I watched the whole thing expecting maybe in the final episode that something would push him too far and he would be forced into using it but yet again, nothing.4) My final and less significant point: There is a lack of all major items from the games. Such as the two amulets that the brothers share, Sparda's sword which Dante kept after the first game or force edge which Dante was left with after Vergil stayed in the demon realm. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the anime, I thought it was okay but could of been 2x as good had they included some of these points. 6-7/10.
    jrmiller14454 First of all, I am going to note that the games were much more involved with the action and the overall theme of Devil May Cry.HOWEVER, most people that have given this anime a poor review and try to base the game on the anime seem to forget one little detail; a GAME NEEDS action to progress. This is one key element to a hack and slash/action game. That being said, I see a lot of unfair reviews bashing the anime because "it was so unlike the game". If it were made like the game in 12 episodes then we would see 20% personal character development and 80% all fight scenes. AND even THEN, the same group of people would be disappointed because of the lack of that. Give some credit where credit is due guys. Really, it was a GREAT work of anime and as there are with ANY production, some flaws to be had. An UNBIASED opinion is required for such a task as reviewing this. Unfortunately both I or anyone who has watched these most likely, shall ALWAYS compare them to the game. That is a sad realization, but all in all the anime was brilliant. Anyone who loves a good time would love this.
    moldwarrior If all anime were like this I would own probably just a few. Devil May Cry is one if not the best Video Game adapted anime's I've seen. I have seen others but this takes the cake. The story while not grounded is fairly easy to grasp and can be taken in for its own right. The animation is beautiful as it treats every detail, character and weapon with care. The voice acting is superb with the same voice actor from the third and fourth game as Dante and others making it a wonderful experience. I did think it was short but I got so much out of it.The best part for me is the opening for the first episode. Just awesome for all the fans and newcomers. I own it on DVD and love to watch it. The most frustrating moment for me is the Devil Trigger part in the final episode it wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be. Major fans of the games cut this demon slayer some slack.
    zeil9523 Franchise- it ruins a lot of things...So I was recently shown this by a friend- having been a fan of Dante since the first Devil May Cry game I was deeply intrigued. I've been holding my breath for a movie for over a year now and I have to admit I am a little bit of a sucker for the franchise- so I am biased. But I must say all and all the anime is not that bad- not at all actually.The only problem I can see with it is that it is attached to such a large franchise and a lot of people go in with very different and very definite views on how the characters should be portrayed and what they should act like. Also this seems to be set after the first DMC movie, rather than the third- which I think throws a lot of people as well. The third game happens to be a prequel to the first and portrays Dante as being very cocky and sarcastic (think demonic teenager). The first sets Dante a more of a brooding protagonist and the anime has him as an odd mixture of the two.Now although its not anything groundbreaking, I think people need to except it for what it is- a beautiful addition in the franchise and a fun way to spend a few hours. If you want something deep and meaningful, there are many other anime titles to choose from- also as far as anime titles go you can also do a lot worse... Ninja Resurrection for one...
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