Dance in the Vampire Bund
Dance in the Vampire Bund
TV-MA | 07 January 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
    Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Teodora This anime has an interesting plot and a very interesting character of Wilhelmina (she may annoy,but she has a good heart)to care about.Just not as good in doing this idea justice.There are many violent scenes and even nudity,especially of Mina (made me angry in both the manga and here).The one interesting relationship is between Mina and Akira.The ending was nice.I will say that anime I watch are English Dub,so Mina and Yukari from Rosary and a Vampire are voiced by the same woman,which sounds much better here than she did as Yukari(Yukari has a much more high pitched voice).I also cannot believe that Mina's Japanese voice actress was 17-18 when she voiced her.Wow,I would never voice anything with so much nudity(if this was live not let me even say what a trouble it would be.)Overall,good idea ,an awful execution.I really wish that both manga and anime were much better.
    H. Dance in the Vampire Bund isn't a complete and total bomb, but it wasn't anywhere near a success either.Firstly, and I think this is many people's problem with this anime, is that it was overly sexualized. I myself don't have any particular problem with some nudity in anime; but too much and it gets distasteful and overshadows the plot. Unfortunately, that is the case here. Hate to say it, but it's almost animated child porn (because the vampire princess inhabits the body of a 9-year-old).Secondly, there are areas of the story which, in my opinion, lack development. There is somewhat of a love triangle between Mina, Akira, and Yuki. I'm not a big fan of love triangles in the first place, but I do feel that they could have done better with this one. Yuki is in love with Akira, but Akira loves Mina...why? He made a promise to her when he was 7, and while I understand the loyalty of his character and unwillingness to turn his back on his promise, this still isn't a justifiable reason for him to love her. Not enough focus was put on developing Mina and Akira's romantic relationship.Lastly, there were loose ends I felt needed tying up. What exactly did Akira do to himself when he stumbled upon the True Blood Legacy? What exactly IS the True Blood Legacy? Akira is a werewolf/shifter, yet they never explain the background for this. There is mention of "three clans," but not much more detail is put into describing them.Not much appealed to me about Dance in the Vampire Bund; it might to other people, but I'm sure there are many other anime shows out there that are much better than this one.
    Tweekums When I started watching this on Funimation's YouTube channel I thought it was rather strange; the opening episode opened with a television debate about whether or not people believed in Vampires, at first few of the panel of so-called experts believe and as the debate goes on that number decreases... until a girl, Mina Tepes, appears claiming to be the leader of the vampires. We later learn that she has being preparing to go public for some time; founding a prestigious school and saving the Japanese economy so that they will have little choice when she depends a small area of land to establish the Vampire Bund, a country for Vampires to live. One of the students at her school, a boy called Akira who unbeknownst to him is a werewolf, he is destined to become her protector. The vampires are not united and many want to prevent the Bund from succeeding and even after it is established Mina's problems aren't over as the heads of the 'Three Clans' have sent their assassins after Akira and whoever's assassin kills him get Mina.At first I wasn't sure if I'd like this anime but grew to enjoy it fairly quickly, the characters were well designed, the story was fascinating even though it was only a short series. While there isn't too much fanservice it isn't totally absent especially in the 'pool episode' where the female vampires wear some fairly skimpy swimwear. I believe some cuts were made to avoid showing too much of young Mina. The story had a good ending which left things open for a possible second series but wrapped up enough plot threads to form a good conclusion if there is no more. Don't switch off when the end credits start as there is a short comedy sketch, 'Dance with the Vampire Maids' after most episodes.These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
    Paul Magne Haakonsen Having seen three episodes of the "Dance in the Vampire Bund" series already, I am not really hooked. There is something very confusing about the wholesome feel of the series.Most of the characters are lacking depths and personalities, and it is hard to keep track of whom they are and what their motives are. Had they done more work of the characters it would be better.There is somewhat of a storyline in the series, although it is continuously disrupted to irrelevant pieces of sidestory.I do like anime and manga, but there are a lot out there available that are far better than this series.
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