Dan for Mayor
Dan for Mayor
| 01 March 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    misssallyberg Sorry but if I had to do a three word only review for this show it would easily be just a simply "it wasn't funny" and that is a really bad thing for a comedy show obviously. The characters were annoying and unbelievable, one or possibly even zero dimensions of depth to them, and nobody in the entire show could in any way tell a joke to make it funny at all.The stories were stupid and this show was about one one billionth as interesting and funny as Corner Gas which I have to be honest is not saying much.Why are comedy shows so much better in the states?
    bigkdr This is an hilarious show. Fred Ewanuick is a very funny, likable person and that comes through in his character Dan, who basically starts running for Mayor in his community of Wessex as a joke with nobody expecting him to win, including himself. All of the character's are very likable, even the one's who aren't supposed to be likable are likable. Juggling his job as a bartender,his best friend (also a bartender) as his campaign manager, a shoe string campaign budget, his ex-girlfriend, his new girlfriend, his ex-girlfriends' new boyfriend, his new girlfriend's Aunt who does not like him and becomes his competitor for the job as Mayor and his own run for Mayor every episode has very funny moments and some twists and turns that you just do not see coming. Like a bus out of nowhere.Dan For Mayor kept me laughing and looking forward to each episode. Dan Ewanuick played Hank Yarbo on the CTV show Corner Gas before this and was very enjoyable as the second banana to Brett Butt's main character. In Dan For Mayor Fred holds his own as the top banana. He is very funny, witty and just great to watch. This is a very good show.By the way I have seen a few reviews that state this is just "Corner Gas" redux. I don't see it that way. You have a completelty different setting, the characters are not even remotely alike and the onlt thing that comes close are some of the 'flash" scenes but lots of shows do that. Some people are saying that Dan and Hank are the same but look at the differences; Hank had no job and did not seem to care to get one, Dan had a job as a bartender and then runs for Mayor. Hank had no girlfriend, Dan has an ex and a current in the first season then his ex comes back to him and they live together. Yes they are both laid back but Hank was more so than Dan. Also, on DFM, there is no Oscar, Emma, Lacey, Wanda, Karen, Davis, etc. The characters on DFM are completely different people. in conclusion this is not your "Corner Gas!"
    doctorawesomepants This is my theory.... that the show "Dan For Mayor" was created by a group of complete idiots who also write the show and perform all the characters. What other reason could there be for this show to be so completely bad in every respect? First of all is the main character, Dan, does he seem familiar to you because to me he is Hank from "Corner Gas". That wouldn't be so bad except after the first two or three seasons maybe of Corner Gas all the characters on that show because one dimensional, predictable, and old hat. That show went off the air before it became too awful but with Hank still on the air in this show he has gotten so unfunny that I can't stand watching him for more than a second or two. The other characters are equally bad. One dimensional, unbelievable, and un-entertaining/unfunny. The acting is not very good. His romantic challenger, who is/was engaged to his ex-girlfriend, is particularly awful. His friend/campaign manager is one note and boring. The two young girls Hank/Dan may be interested in are good looking enough but neither is a very good actress and neither have much acting experience (no surprise there). The writing is terrible (clicking the names shows it's the same group of guys who did "Corner Gas", they are probably just out of ideas and too busy cashing cheques from making that show to come up with good original ideas. This show is terrible and well worth skipping.
    jasongibbonsxxx I'm sad that I did not like this show more. I gave it enough of a chance it is the end of season one and I have seen every episode except one. The jokes in all those episodes have not made me laugh once and I find ever single character to be annoying and poorly acted. The most annoying thing to me is that Fred Ewanwuick has not changed his character one bit from when he was Hank on Corner Gas (sorry if I'm spelling it wrong but that last name's a tough one). I was a Corner Gas fan so even though I didn't think the previews for these shows made it look like they were very good, and even when friends told me Hiccups and Dan For Mayor were both terrible, I hoped my gut feeling was somehow wrong and I would like these shows. No such luck. Ever since episode one I have been very disappointed with both shows, equally disappointed in how bad and unfunny they are. The characters in both shows are just terrible! I can't believe they got a season two but I hope they can somehow turn both shows around so that they are good, I don't see how that's possible though even if they replace all the writers and start getting good writing like Corner Gas had the characters are a huge problem.