Crash & Bernstein
Crash & Bernstein
TV-PG | 08 October 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micransix Crappy film
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    CrackerJacker66 One of the worst Disney shows EVER! Total rip-off of the old 90's Nickelodeon show Cousin Skeeter.The premise is weak and the plots are stupid. This show is completely directionless. It's completely unfunny, loud, and obnoxious. The humor is full of butt and fart jokes.The characters SUCK! It is obvious the producers are trying to make Crash "cool" to appeal to tween boys and this translates into him being rude, obnoxious and annoying. Crash is a mean spirited jerk.Wyatt is annoying and a poor lead character. He's unlikable and selfish. The best friend Pesto is gross. He has the face of a 30 year old man. Amanda is the stereotypical rude popular teenage older sister obsessed with her looks. She's boring and unlikable. The middle sister Cleo is a scheming con-artist? The mom is just...there. The youngest little sister is pointless and adds nothing to the show. Her character is nowhere to be seen half the time. The fat black guy and midget guy are poor supporting cast side characters.The acting is HORRIBLE! Cole Jensen plays Wyatt, can't act at all! He's completely wooden. Ooana Gregory who plays Amanda, please stop with that annoying nasally foreign accent! No talent, just a pretty face. And the actor of Pesto can't act either! No talent! Landry Bender is not a good actress either. The worst acting and cast of a Disney live-action show! Nobody has chemistry with each other and the cast is so unappealing and unattractive. Yuck! Who was in charge of casting this show???The theme song is god-awful. Horrible attempt at trying to be hip and cool with kids.Poor attempt at a show aimed for boys. Who green-lighted this GARBAGE! No surprised it didn't last long.
    Kozzy995 Anyone else remember a few years back when Disney Channel actually had quality? There was Even Stevens...wait, that was the only show that had quality. The cartoons are good too, but the sitcoms are awful! They're pointless, have no effort, and lack humor. Sure, there's one or two smirks per show at least, but the popular slapstick random humor doesn't cut it. Crash & Bernstein is an example of these shows. We have all seen Disney do better on the big screen, but their TV shows are to children as Michael Bay is to teenagers- and you know what he's like.I see my brother watching this show and I don't see why he finds it amusing. I know he Knows what good comedy is, but obviously, the bad puns and sometimes unnecessarily crude humor has already pulled him into this incredibly hyperbolic show about family(the sisters don't even have similar hair color. The age composition between the siblings is also off. And WHERE IS THE FATHER?????). Sadly, my brother is lost. Dear viewers, do yourselves a favor and block this channel from the sons and daughters, or siblings, that you love. Let them watch Leave It to Beaver.Lets break this down. I won't even mention the acting or cast, which is already bad. First- as I mentioned before, there is no father. Half the shows they got have at least one parent MIA, and it's a bad impression on the viewers. It makes kids think that it's too normal to be divorced and only have one parent. And it's not! Second, the show is from the perspective of a boy with two older sisters. Ideally, the viewers should be in the protagonist's mindset, and he sees two older sisters who bring a lot of feminine things to his environment. They are too far apart in age to really have any effect. They don't team as well. Thirdly, a puppet is a nice change, but he isn't funny. Period. He's a jerk. Kids see him as the perfect brother for Wyatt (Remember to think Leave It to Beaver). Again, this is an unhealthy encouragement. this is only a sliver of many other problems. I hate to be a pessimist, but if they keep throwing these movies out, Why should I do nothing?
    moouth I find this show very entertaining for adults as well as for kids. Whoever came up with this idea is a genius. It is skillfully written and has the appeal for all ages. I think crash is a fabulous character and the person who portrays crash is fantastic. I think this show should be renewed for at least another season. The Disney XD channel should be applauded for such original programming. This show combines comedy along with learning that every child can benefit from. I don't understand why someone would be son negative in their writing about this show. My children cannot wait till 8:30 on Monday night to see what kind of trouble Crash will get into and how it will be turned into a lesson that all children can learn from.
    movieplex59 This is single handedly the worst live action kids show on TV right now. Even my kids want me to change the channel when it comes on. In a time when so many options are out there Disney should not have a show that makes people want to watch something else and any one who does change the channel is smarter for doing so. Disney has so many clever shows and their competition does as well. I don't know who they think they are catering to with such a low brow kids show. I would think that Disney would understand that very stupid isn't very funny. Bad writing, bad acting and terrible concept. This show has no redeeming qualities and should be canceled immediately.