Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
| 31 March 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Sarentrol Masterful Cinema
    Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
    Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    lastliberal I used to watch this show religiously. Yes, I consider it equal to going to church.Keith has a way of lightening up the news while making important points.He can be depended up to bring in the very best commentators to back up his own commentary and give us the real facts behind today's news.Yes, it has a liberal bias, but then the truth is the truth, and Fox News needs to have something to counteract the falsehoods.I enjoy Olbermann because he just doesn't take himself seriously and her certainly has fun bursting the overly inflated egos of those who do not have America's interests at heart.
    MisterWhiplash In a time when watching Chris Matthews, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly and Hannity can be repetitive, boring, safe, wretched, and just downright wrong and bullying (even if the former sometimes is OK), Keith Olbermann is a sublime respite. Yes, he'll make his point of view known, but an unpopular one? I think not; when watching Olbermann go into one of his "special comments" it comes about as close to- if not quite as classical- as an Edward R. Murrow speech rallying against one injustice or another. It's actually inspiring to see what is usually just another 'talking-head' speaking intelligently not from some vapid "gut" ala O'Reilly, but from facts that send many Americans as of late into a tailspin. How to put such a travesty like the Bush administration into a context of articulation (and one that isn't of full-on satire like the Daily Show)? Look at Olbermann.But it isn't all serious and such; one of the great joys of Countdown is that, within the parameters of the archetype of the structure of the show. Olbermann makes his show into fun satire and moments of levity following the first half just the typical lot (though an interesting lot usually) of talking heads, with his "Best Person" and "Worst Person" listing, Oddball moments (videos of crazy Santa's or deer jumping over a car as it's driving, among many, many, many other classic bits that most often would be left in the dregs of you-tube). He's a man that understands irony- he's not one to back down from giving a scathing comment against someone whom he thinks deserves it (and, whatever affiliation you have, you got to admit that he can give the sucker punch linguistically like few others in cable news, and not with the rancor of some of his rivals). But he's also a man of conscience, and he'll reveal himself as having more lucid thoughts on a subject than one would ever expect of a Tucker or even Anderson Cooper or other.For me, it's one of the most addictive shows on cable TV news.
    notmatter_id The Olbermeister is always worth listening to... I've found the Keither's insightful (correct spelling) comments and summaries generally right on the mark. I particularly like it when he attacks the faux news (noise) folks for the prostitutes they are to the fascist "upper" hand now running into oblivion what was the American Republican Party.Fux news' false pretense that presenting two disparate opinions provides a valid forum has been shown as the wrong argument that it is on the show. To me, Fox New's b.s. "fair and balanced" is a modern day equivalent of the conflicts between the followers of Jesus of Nazareth and the lions in the Flavian Amphitheatre in Rome.Keith's sparing with the "billo" or "oraly" or whatever you call his competition is especially interesting- as well as entertaining- to me. Before I knew better I used to watch the o'reilly factoid on a regular basis. He still has some- however rare- sound opinions but he sure as hell ain't open minded and generally focuses on increasing the current smokescreen put up by this dirty white house. I liked it post 9-11 when he "took on" the charities for their failure to give much of the donations to the needy in a timely manner; I am disgusted that he hasn't lived up to his promise to denounce this administration when weapons of mass destruction have not been found in Iraq; and also find it revolting and channel changing that he repeats and glorifies distortion and other fascist propaganda.
    hybridsun Mr. Olbermann is smart, witty and funny.He provides an alternative voice to the right wing domination that has lasted for years in the media.Straight shooting, fresh, sharp and antagonistic against the Plutocrats that have seized our nation.Lacking demagoguery, and the mythic trash that comes from the propagandized news from conservative opinions.I enjoy Mr. Olbermann, and look forward to seeing him on other news venues. I feel he is the most interesting news person that has evolved in many years.