Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura
TV-14 | 02 December 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    adultmaturity-46685 There sure are a lot of shills on this site. I watched the series and found them interesting. But I can see how the government and their shills would vote this down. Go away shills!!! It is always interesting to me that the government is willing to do all types of illegal activities, manipulate the truth, and no one ever calls them on it. My advise is to just ignore those negative votes and just put them down to more of the governments manipulations. It's only obvious that the government wouldn't want this information out, much less to have people believe the truth.
    matthijsalexander How do I put this.Lets say you go to Church, the priest is trying to sell you god and all the bible stories, but he does this while wearing a red nose, Pink John Lennon glasses and a head made of a dead skunk.Jesse Ventura is such a bad actor and such a bad 'face' for this show that it becomes more difficult to believe these conspiracies.9-11. A relatively OK episode but of all the things Ventura could have done Ventura stupidly chooses to yell at a closed door of a hanger where some debris lies around, and has a half ass interview with an FBI agent. The subject remains interesting and the truth isn't out, not at all.Bilderberg. Dummy Venture meets with Alex Jones. Alex Jones is the least credible person on this earth. Bilderberg is a group of globalists who discuss whatever they discuss. It was created by the Dutch Royals, people not powerful or big enough. Queen Beatrix had no power, has no influence in business or government, in 2012 whatever little power she had was stripped away from her. What use could she be for the group she herself (and Bernard) have started? None. There is no conspiracy here. As a member of the Bilderberg said: If we are a secret society that want to dominate the world, we are doing a horrible job at it.Manchurian Candidate, another BS episode with BS people. Surely mindcontrol has been explored, why wouldn't they? But Jesse makes a big old mess of it by interviewing a bunch of lunatics.If one wants to do a show on CT, do it seriously and leave out the bloody Hollywood element. Above all, have a credible person with an IQ higher than a goldfish present it.
    danielbbutts While Ventura attempts to draw viewers in with an often aggressive 'I'm going to get to the bottom of this' attitude, the show's research methodology and lack of hard evidence beg ridicule. Those sources interviewed by the show tend to lack credibility, such as an accredited degree in the subject matter, and few such sources are able to provide any verifiable evidence. On occasion, the show triumphs by denying the conspiratorial claims and, in so doing, brings them further ridicule. However, the show consistently provides inflamed or outright false information when representing their claims. I have found that this show can be quite useful as a tool for sharpening one's critical thinking skills. Such skills are not taught in the show, but can be exercised by attempting to prove or disprove that which is demonstrated by Mr. Ventura and his team.
    carlosgaido2002 There are so many issues with this show that it's hard to know where to even start.Jesse Ventura summarizes the "facts" that he found from his "reliable" sources to the camera as if he were taunting a fellow wrestler (or "fighter" as he calls himself). Can people really take that seriously?Ventura takes everything at face value, but only from the conspiracy side. "But that random guy says he saw this, so it must be true. He doesn't have any proof beyond his word, but hey, a garbage collector's word HAS to be more reliable than that of our sinister's government!" He actually uses the word "sinister" to describe the government a few times.The show is not even fun to watch. When I read the explanation of the show and saw that he "took both sides and made a decision on whether the conspiracies are true" made me think that this was a somewhat intellectually based show, but this is only sparks and glitter. In the second episode, for example, he starts the show admitting that he already believes in the conspiracy, so for the rest of the show he simply tries to prove what he already "knows to be true." There is no substance at all in this show, and Ventura and his minion's acting is awful and over the top. Yes buddy, they're acting, like when Ventura was a wrestler (sorry, "fighter"), he was acting too. In the first episode, for example, when he is trying to enter a military research base, he says that he can't believe that a former governor, former navy seal can't be admitted, therefore there has to be something shady going on, so he starts yelling at the manager of the base that when he doesn't get what he wants, he "gets angry." With this, he does two things: 1. By yelling at the manager, he looks tough making sure he WON'T be admitted into the base, making sure he can't disprove his nutty theory, and 2. he makes his ignorant viewer base believe that he is correct, but he is not. He is not a governor navy seal, he is a FORMER all that, making him a simple civilian. Why would a civilian have access to a strongly guarded military base? And by the way, why is so strongly guarded? Because the stuff they have there is incredibly dangerous, the military even admits that, so why let anyone walk in? The janitors at my school won't let me get into the machine room, so maybe there's something shady going on there, maybe some mind control technology or something.So, skip this one if you still have a functioning brain, because it will turn it into mush after a few episodes. Luckily I stopped only after one and a half, when some gray matter started to leak through my ears.