Code Monkeys
Code Monkeys
TV-14 | 11 July 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    PhillipJarodNelson As a hardcore gamer geek, this show really speaks to me. I've been gaming for twenty-some years and counting, and this wonderful show is riddled with game-related jokes from start to finish. I don't expect non-gamers to appreciate it too well, but anybody that's spend a decade or two with a game controller in hand should find the show entertaining enough.It has the silly absurdity of South Park, not to mention the vulgarity, but the cast of characters are adults working at a fictitious game development studio. The art direction is interesting because it's obviously intended to appear like a classic 8-bit video game, on a system like the NES, complete with overly-pixilated character sprites. Each episode is intended to appear as if playing some sort of weird video game, with each show beginning with a start screen and ending with a "game over" screen, and typical in-game stuff like a score or health meter appears at the top of the screen, though sometimes swapped out with other gaming oddities like items collected. The show pauses for commercial breaks.I wouldn't recommend this show to non-gamers, but to the hundreds of millions of gamers out there, this show comes highly recommended.
    cinderellagirl9 code monkeys is a great show... in fact one of the best to hit g-4 since x-play. It is actually something to watch that has the humor of shows like south park, family guy, and a lot of original stuff. And it manages to make every episode have a bunch of moments that you and your friends will constantly be quoting the next day.aright, down to business, I've already established code monkeys is great, but what makes it so great? if you want to get technical they're a combination of 8 bit characters in a somewhat 32 bit environment. The characters flow and although their mouths can only make 4 different poses they still manage to pull off the talking audio- the voice acting is amazing, if they want a character to be crazy, he's crazy, if they want a dumb a$$, then hes dumb... and it executions it with some of the funnest lines I've heard in a long time humor- "I leaned over to kiss your face, but i punched it instead" style- with a bar up above to mock classic video game menus and features and all of the words being in 8 bit and the fire and bullets mocking Zelda and Contra its an awesome experience.overall- ITS AWESOME
    killadamvol14 As Adam De La Pena shows go, there a no go for me. But This Is a fresh, funny, original, and referenced nerds paradise. Its concept is really neat and the jokes are very funny and strangely compelling. Honestly, after surviving such bad programming on G4 its so surprising that this show is actually good. Give it a chance and also count how many references it makes and whats more amazing is how many i catch. My only slight grief is that the writing isn't so fresh at times and some may not like the weird pacing and pay off at the jokes. Aside from that the show is ingenious. This is a def for anyone watching G4 or looking for a new fresh and funny animated comedy.
    Jeremy Gilbert I barely heard anything about this show, but I happened to be watching G4 the night the series premiered, and I have to say I was stunned. This is, quite simply, the best video game related cartoon EVER. Every part of this show is a reference to videogames, from the health bar and score at the top of the screen, to the brief "PAUSE" message right before commercials (including the trademark pause ding like Mario games have). The humor is a lot like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, though the stories are more cohesive than ATHF's. The show has the visual style of an 8-bit game (a close comparison would be to the Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom series at, although stylistically it looks more like River City Ransom) However, this innocent presentation belies the highly offensive content, which includes plenty of swearing, lots of video game violence, and even one scene were one character paints his penis green after a hard night of partying. Yet, so much attention is put into little details, where hardcore gamers will notice many things from many old classic games and probably read into many things that casual viewers wouldn't even notice. If G4 ever needed a show to get them more attention from the masses, this would be it. Whether that's a good thing or not is yet to be seen, but I can say that Code Monkeys is brilliant and I hope it stays on the air for a long time.