City of Men
City of Men
| 15 October 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    dragokin I've surfed the internet in search of more information on City of God (Cidade de Deus) which i'd really enjoyed back in the day. To my surprise, i've discovered that there had been a spin-off TV show, called City of Men (Cidade dos Homens). It's been difficult to find it, but it paid off! The TV show format set some limits to City of Men, yet gave it more freedom at the same time. Given the length of each episode, the story can't develop as in a feature film. On the other hand, it gave the show the possibility to follow and develop the characters in a way that no feature film would allow.The life in a favela is depicted in such a way that you wish to travel to Brazil only to visit one of them. However, this vivid depiction doesn't fail to show the hardships these people go through on daily basis. They all embrace life with south-American easygoing attitude which is bound to create chaos. And we see that it affects everyone, from drug lords (good or bad by nature) and police (corrupt or not) to people (from favela or elsewhere).The topics covered showed that the City of Men had also an educational role, discussing the problems of the poor an depraved. The fact that it's been filmed in real favelas and mostly with actual inhabitants, conveys the message even stronger.
    pandacanon I myself am a huge fan of the original 'city of god' but was surprised to watch this spin off and find it very middle grounded. there are many differences between the two, most of them working negatively towards COM.In COG, the use of short, sharp editing and hand-held camera work gave the feeling of realism, the gritty surroundings of Rio were portrayed in a more convincing manner than they are in City of men.If you have an expectancy to view an insight into hoodlums' lives and actions you will most likely be let down overall, COM deals with the two main characters, both young and naive, it shows their schooling, their everyday chores instead of a real deep insight into crime.overall, it was not what i expected or even wanted, but if you liked city of god but found it maybe a wee too grim, city of men does water it down a level. the level of enjoyment does depend on what you want out of this mini a nutshell; a soap opera but with violence 5/10 - not as crime based as i would of imagined,
    bob the moo In Rio de Janeiro, the shantytowns on the Hill have death rates that are comparable to some areas that are classed as war zones. The losers in this particular war zone are mostly children and teenagers, who find themselves sucked into violent lives of crime that are as short as they are hopeless. However not everyone on The Hill has "always wanted to be a gangster" and some just live their lives day to day. In this series we meet Laranjinha and Acerola, two young men who enjoy the dances, are drawn by the game, run things to get money, hang out on the beach and mostly chase girls and try to lose their virginity.With a deeply ironic title that hints at the dark realities of life in these places (many don't make it to be men) I was a definite viewer when I saw this series coming onto BBC4. I won't babble too long but I just want to take the chance to register my praise for this channel – those who say that BBC4 is not providing a service are dead wrong, it is not their fault the mass audience want mindless stuff to relax in front of. BBC4 gives me cinema from all over the world on a weekly basis and also throws things like this my way – otherwise I would have had to buy the DVD. My dig at City of God in my plot summary is not a reflection of my view of the film because I actually really liked it, however City of Men is better in regards the actual story. Free of the constraints of the film, we are released of the demands of narrative and it produces a film that is more about the experience than it is about one specific story. Although I liked the film I did like this approach better over the course of the nine episodes because I felt it was able to relax and be more realistic without the pressure of actually going someone. As esteemed reviewer el-p has already observed, this means that the final episode does feel a bit of an anti-climax because it just sort of drifts away without closure; but then life only has one closure and that just doesn't happen bang on the end of any given look at life.This approach allows us to simply follow the two boys during this part of their life and produces a picture of life in the shantytowns as well as some wider comments. The series has episodes based totally around the nightlife, around the dealers, around hustling or even just about the beach life. Some of them are fun, some are deadly serious, some are political and some are moving but the important thing is that they all work well. The writing never feels like writing and there are no speeches, just natural dialogue that helped me to get into the characters and accept them as real even when their situations are a million miles from my life. The use of an amateur cast helps as well but it also helps that they can be natural in front of a camera – and there are few here that struggle. Cunha stands out because he has the most interesting character; Silva is also good but the series tends to use Acerola as more of a comic character or have his inner issues be more about getting laid than anything else.The direction and production values will probably initially put City of God fans off because the series lacks the real cinematic style of its bigger brother, being shot mostly on digital video and being very hand-held and grainy. However give it five minutes and it won't matter because you'll be into it like this and appreciate the intimacy it brings with it. Some of the episodes use animation (most don't) and, apart from a nasty little Matrix-style moment in the last episode (that look cheaply done) the animation is well done and matches the indie feel of the series by being rough but inventive. The biggest problem for me was the fact that the opening credits are so terrible that the first episode I watched I assumed it was going to be awful and, although the series was great, I always fast-forward the opening credits. It is a nice idea but the sight of Chunda and Silva running on the spot unconvincingly just looks daft to me.Overall this is a very good series and in many ways is better than the film that spawned it. It may lack the narrative flow and visual style of City of God but it paints a fuller picture that shows us something closer to reality – not all those on the hill go into crime etc but many, many lives are touched by it and it is a dire situation. The lack of narrative is not a problem until an ending is required: up till then the experience is well done and makes for great viewing thanks to the charismatic leads. Well worth seeing and it was a genuine shock to me to see fewer than 50 votes registered for this on IMDb – last year everyone and their dog were praising City of God and Brazilian cinema in general, I know I've seen a lot more South American films as a result of getting into this market, but it seems I am one of the few. I guess the mass market will only seek out non-Hollywood product if it is served on their terms and they don't have to hunt it out; bit depressing really to see so many viewing dumb action movies while stuff like this goes unnoticed. Anyway, rant over, this was a great little series – had its weaknesses but the messages and story telling are so well done that as many viewers as possible should be introduced to it.
    pmiranda-3 If you have seen the «City of God» movie... and you really enjoy it... You just have to run and see this mini-series.With the same actors, the same and other directors, and with the same landscape (Brazilian «Favelas»), Cidade dos Homens is a great mini-series, that show us how is the live, dead, living, love, fun, sadness on the Brazilian «Favelas».Another interesting thing about this young actors, is that most of them, actually were young kids that used to live on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, because of this are now having a normal live, with other perspectives. I'm sure most of them will have a great future on the movies or cinema works.Great Job... I'm only sad because it ended... ;-)
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