Chasing Mummies
Chasing Mummies
TV-PG | 14 July 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    indicaraynne The acting aside, Chasing Mummies still takes you places you will not likely be able to see in person. I was fascinated by the tombs, the bustle and activity in the backgrounds, the sounds, and the sights. I have learned from this show, and entirely enjoyed it. If you are looking for a stern documentary, this is not for you, but if you like some informative entertainment this works. For all of the comments that were blasting Dr. Zahi Hawass, people seem to forget that the rest of the title of this series is The Amazing Adventures of Zahi Hawass. So it seems to me that the show gives exactly what should be expected. Sure, it could be better, but I personally take what I can get when it comes to Egypt and all it's wonders.
    rod_field I read all the reviews about 'chasing mummies' and it lead me to want to find out for myself what others had written about, I have to say the program is as what other reviews say, it's complete rubbish! If I were in charge to make the decisions for programs to be aired on the history channel then 1.I wouldn't have given this program the time of day and 2.If I had (and clearly someone has) then I would expect the powers that be to ask me for my resignation. I lasted more than most with about 15 minutes of viewing time, I found it too scripted and the 'acting' too unbelievable to warrant this program as a 'documentary'. I would have to say the program 'Big Brother' has better actors than in this program, needless to say if you want to take a look and see for yourselves then so be it, be warned though as you'll be disappointed.
    bok602 I'm not even through to the first commercial break and I can tell that this show is just another pile of faux-reality CRAP! Zawi Hawass is such a ego-maniacal, self-centered publicity whore that I wouldn't doubt for a second that he'd jump at the chance to make himself the action hero center of an alleged "reality" program -even to the point of faking this whole intern,documentary thing in and around these priceless ruins. Notice how in the first minute or two he makes a convenient "discovery" the instant he sets foot inside the tunnel beneath the pyramid? I SEVERELY question whether any serious archaeologist would just pick up such a fragile object in his bare hands and handle it so casually.The interns and crew are clearly actors (or at least reading prepared lines) and the setup so far is obviously staged.I have no intentions of following any further episodes and strongly advise others not to waste their time.
    merdume Does anyone believe these people are not actors?? The stupid girl who got "stuck" in the pyramid is soooo annoying as a actor.. and she has a degree in ACTING!!! she can't even deliver her lines believably. But, there should be no line.. this is supposed to be a reality show.. Disgusting... I am also wondering why I can't rate this show yet. How I would like to give this show negative stars. I have seen Dr. Zahi before on other programs and was excited to see that he was a part of this, but I am very disappointed. I am sure some of the show is real and would be interesting by itself, but for some reason the producers seemed to think they needed a gimmick to make it interesting... BIG MISTAKE