Celebrity Name Game
Celebrity Name Game
TV-PG | 22 September 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Dorathen Better Late Then Never
    Rich Green I'm a game show fan since way back when and since there are so few left, I'm saddened that yet another one bites the dust.True they won't win any Nobel Prizes for this show but it's not about that. It's cheesy, sometimes-raunchy (usually a couple of bleeps in every episode) game show fun that is one of my guilty pleasures which fill up my DVR.Bon voyage Craig. Perhaps you and Mr. Arquette can whip up another game show gem for us to enjoy. Thanks for the TV fun.
    kathycook-78190 I've read some negative reviews about this show, and I don't get it. Why are the reviewers expecting Downtown Abbey? it's a game show, it's mindless entertainment, and its fun! Yes, its corny at times, not sure why everyone thinks this is a downturn for the host, he is the corny one. But he is okay. I honestly love how excited most of the celebrities get so excited when the contestants win. And the celebrities are fairly high caliber for a game show, unlike Celebrity Game Night most of the celebrities on this show have actually had a paying job within the last five years. All in all, a fun way to spend 30 minutes.
    fung0 What a dismal come-down for Craig Ferguson! This show is boring, predictable, embarrassing and, above all, brutally DUMB - yet another show in which doing well depends on knowing stuff that no intelligent person could possibly care about.It's hard to describe the horror of watching brainless middle-aged contestants squealing and jumping up and down as they guess at meaningless factoids while being spoon-fed transparent clues by the smirking Ferguson. This show makes The Price is Right look like Grandmaster-level chess by comparison.The phrase "dump-truck full of money" comes swiftly to mind, when wondering why Ferguson might choose to debase himself in this way. This is a sad, miserable career choice by a once-creative performer. Spare yourself, and avoid witnessing his utter humiliation.
    TheExpatriate700 Celebrity Name Game comes across as a rather obvious cash in on Hollywood Game Night, with minor celebrities paired up with contestants in a name guessing game. Craig Ferguson brings a bit of charisma to the proceedings, but not enough to save the show.One major problem is that the same game is played over and over, with little variation in how the game is played or in the challenge level. The only difference between games is who is giving clues and who is trying to guess the celebrity. There is no real sense of suspense, as the names are often easy to guess for anyone remotely good at this type of game.Moreover, in terms of its guests, the show uses the term "celebrity" very loosely. In the two shows I watched, one featured two B-list actresses from the late 1990s, while the other featured a television actor I'd never heard of. (Although I was surprised to see they got Sheryl Crow-I think she's friends with Courtney Cox, who's an executive producer of the show.) Craig Ferguson does his best to make the proceedings interesting, bringing the same sense of humor he had on The Late Late Show. However, there is only so much he can do with something as dull as this. At one point, he was reduced to openly feeding a contestant an answer when they got stuck on a name.