Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!
Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!
| 24 February 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    mark-01455 To start with, the fact England and Wales even has such a service as a High Court where there is no due process or notification of defendants is simply disgusting. I can see enforcing commercial judgements and rent collection, but the way these people deal with enforcing evictions of citizens gives you a very clear picture of how England and Wales see this rights of its citizens versus the sovereignty of property. This goes doubly so when these "Officers" are really hired goons working on commission.And while I can certainly understand how frustrated landlords can get from rent being in arrears and that it must be paid, the lack of due process - whether or not people received notice from a lower court, is simply inexcusable.Let me be clear, a property owner should never have to wait eight months to be paid, and when there's a brothel on the premises or something along these lines, the perpetrators should be kicked out. But by the same token, when arbitration has fallen through and promises broken, people deserve a definitive date of ejection, not some random goon coming with no warning and a write telling the tenant they have an hour to leave.It's seriously disgusting, and the people responsible for writing the laws in England and Wales should be ashamed in general for the way they treat their poor. As to the people - I have a lot of friends there and I am unsure many of them are even aware of these draconian rules. People in England and Wales are basically good, but the High Court is a horrific tool for debt collection that should be abolished.I just watched an episode while writing this this about a family that was booted out of their house who has a two-year old under life support... no quarter given. Disgusting. How could these people, the landlord or most of all Channel 5 deal with themselves after this is beyond me.There should be a provision in these laws that allows for situations that are obvious emergencies.By the way, I mention only England and Wales because Scotland doesn't allow these goons and has actual Sheriffs employed by the state that aren't incentivized by the profit motive to boot people out of their homes. It's a bit more civil and I can understand why they want independence if this is any indication.And when it comes to the UK, I'm not just talking about this crap, I'm talking about things like the fact there's a payday loan shop on every corner in every poor neighborhood. It's disgusting.Beyond all this, as someone who works in the media, I'm amazed that the producers can make a profit from selling adverts from this poverty porn, and I'm even more shocked the producers don't provide some of the more deserving people with compensation for showing their lives bare for the sake of ad sales.Again, I am very pro-landlord generally, and in commercial situations, well, judgements must be enforced, but the way they treat their poor in the UK is just horrific. They should abolish the High Courts' ability to evict people without notice. Full stop. And this poverty porn - disgusting. It should be canceled.
    kevinpleasant I have never in my life seen a meaner or more heartless group of individuals as these so-called high court enforcers. The older gentleman are sometimes willing to work with the people but the younger guys are just plain heartless bastard's. If you can watch this without wanting to smack one of these pompous losers in the head then you're way better than I am. Not only do they not lift a finger to make things easier they seem to take delight in making things as difficult as possible. I just hope these guys are down and out and need someone to help them one day and they're treated the exact same way that they treat the people in this show.
    Krazykopper These guys are the stuff that you want to scrape off your shoe.I just watched an episode of this program were a family were evicted from there home. Among those evicted was "Riley", a 2 year old child who needed round the clock life support just to 'stay alive'! this is the worst television I have ever I have never seen anything as terrible as this. for this dickhead to say 'dont panic, there's nothing to worry about, is unbelievable. I live in Irelans, where this cant happen! Why? Because these guys would get torn to shreds. When people stand up against this bullying then it doesn't happen. YOU ARE SCUM.
    stribble-72274 Please someone explain to me how this works? I love the show up until season 2 episode 6. Being a follower since the beginning I always enjoyed waiting to see what scenarios we'd be thrown and what circumstances the guys had to deal with that week. Up until today. Having seen so many families and individuals being evicted losing belongings property's homes it was awful but the guys were in there to do there job and as heart wrenching as it was to see this happen you always understood. Watching today never before have I seen such lean treatment for a debt that usually would be handled in the taking of belongings and sorted ASAP. However a street in Stoke on Trent gathered all their friends and family which resulted in the offer of a payment plan being set up?! I'm sorry but I thought that show was a last resort for the default of all other payment failures plans included so why in shows before have you waited (hours may I add) to remove families but this was an exception and I will make the point of saying that it's probably another one of those times that us 'white' people are more concerned with the prospect of appearing racist that when situations arise with 'differently ethic and coloured' individuals there then given preferential treatment?! Just goes to show how we have all ended up really. Every case should be handled the same and if the ability to give payment plans to those then please offer it to women who support children on there own or to an individual who is clearly unwell and unable to comprehend! NOT to individuals that over exert there 'community power'. Thought this was one of those shows where we all get treated EQUALLY ?! How can this be justified?! Chances are won't be watching again.