| 22 January 1989 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    martin-intercultural This show has a number of sexy ingredients - English countryside, 1930s glamour, grand mansions and stately homes. Yet on balance, I found it less satisfying than other literary adaptations from this era. In seeking to be faithful to the original written stories, it picks up quite a bit of baggage that seems to speak to now-dated, prewar female sensibilities. This includes the central character's 'privileged' yet unexplained background. I'm sure 80 years ago, the very notion of a mysterious do-good aristocrat opting to fight crime would leave the ladies with a tingling sensation in their undergarments; not so much nowadays. There are other scenes, and twists and turns, which feel bookish and just packed in for good measure; they may have worked at the time, and especially on paper, but contribute little to the TV version. Mr. Campion himself fits the bill well - after all, avoiding to cast any remotely dashing male characters has been de rigueur in portraying 30s England. But after a while, his eternally goofy grin gets tiresome, particularly as there is not much else we learn about his background, childhood, career, personal life or romantic entanglements. The same applied to Lugg -- yes, the acting is amazingly realistic but after two episodes, the expression 'one-trick pony' will come to mind. All in all, a nice show to spend a quiet Saturday evening with, without getting shaken and stirred in the process.
    Techvet I think the other reviews cover the lion's share of what there is to say, but just a few comments: As of this writing, "Campion" is available on streaming Netflix, unabridged and with no commercials.I love the opening and closing theme music, especially from the first season. I am not sure why they changed it up for the second season."Sweet Danger" is my favorite episode of the bunch, without a doubt.Peter Davison did a fabulous job in all the episodes and he is dressed to the nine's. No one else but Brian Glover could have been Lugg. The production values are quite high.I have not read the books but plan to start sometime this summer.
    vslauterbach This BBC production is light, engaging fun beautifully filmed. Its main strengths are the performances of Peter Davison and Brian Glover along with the impeccable art direction of Steve Keogh. The repartee between Campion and Lugg from the novels is translated well. In the series, both characters are composites of their literary counterparts who evolved considerably over the course of the nine novels published in the 1930s (the first one, "Crime at Black Dudley" was not filmed). If you don't have the time or inclination to read Ms. Allingham's early novels, watching this series is the second best thing. The screenplays are generally faithful to the novels given the expected amount of condensation required to fit each into a hundred minute film, and the episode casts feature numerous fine performances by supporting characters. Overall, a good example of how to bring novels to the screen. In summary, if you like the classic, British country-house murder mystery, this is a fine example of that genre you shouldn't miss.
    georgigems With his "owlish" glasses and a manservant named "Lugg" Margery Allingham's Albert Campion at first seems like a real twit . However, once you see our bespectacled hero in action you realize that he is a very distinctive sleuth capable of solving maddening mysteries. Aided by his valet cum assistant and friend, Magersfontein Lugg he faces each case in a stylish 1930's approach that was typical of the "golden age" of English Mysteries. Peter Davison is perfectly cast as Albert (whose true name and parentage are still a mystery) and he fits into his 1930's clothes and locations with ease and grace but it is Brian Glover as Lugg who really steals the show. A former wrestler before he became an actor, Glover plays his part so convincingly that one wonders how he could have been anything else in real life but Albert's sidekick. The two tackle some interesting cases in fabulous locations and wonderful period cars. If you like the protagonists from the golden age like Lord Peter Wimsey and Tommy and Tuppance , Campion is for you. Since this first appeared on "MYSTERY!" in 1989 it was never available on video. Now for the first time it is on both VHS and DVD.