Buying Alaska
Buying Alaska
TV-G | 21 October 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
    nabrown-31474 Thank ya all for your information on it not being "reality". I guessed this as they are so expensive and I had to wonder how some of these people afford $200,000 plus homes. I also questioned buyers choosing one, when as another viewer said, there is usually only one that comes close to their needs. I would say thanks and keep looking! I also wondered about schooling for children and the travel to schools but since it isn't real, that solves that question. Still interesting as I love seeing the scenery and looking at the houses. I live in Texas and enjoy learning about Alaska but don't think we will be moving there anytime soon. I like guessing which one they will "buy". Wish it was "real" but today, what really is?
    dnta My sister, who lives on Mosquito Lake in Haines Alaska, called me last night and told me to watch last night's episode ('Gold Town') as it was filmed around Haines and I could see a little of where she lives. I watched. I thought it was cool to see folks who bought a cabin right near my sister. It showed them "settling into their new home" and the husband saying they would be there for years, etc. When I spoke to my sister today she said the cabin has YET to be sold, and that couple did NOT buy it - and it was all completely staged. How dare Discovery! This is supposedly a REALITY show. Where is the REAL? This, to me, lacks integrity and illustrates the sickness in the world of television today. If it were clear to us viewers that it is staged, fake, etc then I would not be judging them, but they set out from the get-go to deceive and manipulate us viewers. Shame on them.
    dartleyk another mostly staged 'reality' show structured around the most implausible premise: that people will travel miles through the bush, take long boat rides, plane rides, to look at house not knowing how much it costs; no one does that; but the idea is you'll be watching, then, finally, the question arises- how much is it- then cut to commercial and you'll stay to find out; but too often the top end budget is, for example, 300k, and after seeing a few dogs under the limit there's the nice one they like- for 450k; then there are the majestic mountainside homes sporting endless vistas in all direction- and some very nice scenery for sure- turns out on a 1/4-acre lot? given the alaskan setting, the show also suffers form dwelling on decor, and endless versions of 'i really like that kitchen', or 'not enough closets'- instead of details about structure, heating, insulation and more that are unusual in much of alaska; supposedly, buyers are motivated to be in an unusual and challenging place, but you'd never know it from the empty-headed, scripted comment
    twoifbyc A wonderful show with one fatal flaw.........throughout the interesting story line and beautiful scenery you are constantly tormented by a background of loud, intolerable, intrusive, and obnoxious pounding drums and twanging electric guitars. I tried watching but after about 5 minutes I felt like my head was caving in. What a shame. I've noticed the same fault on many of the shows I watch. It's as though today's television directors think that if there is even a few seconds of silence, or if the accompanying music is not vibrating the viewer's entire living room, he will lose interest and turn to another channel. Ridiculous and unnecessary.
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