Bunsen is a Beast
Bunsen is a Beast
TV-Y7 | 16 January 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Executscan Expected more
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Not Stegosaur Now I liked Fairy odd parents and Danny phantom... but this show is an insult. Nick is really trash now and pretty much all of the shows are absolute garbage. When I my brother showed me this, I thought it would be good, but the voice acting... it was just trash. Overall pretty bland and stupid. Anyone who says this is a good show, wouldn't know a good show if it hit them in the face.
    Kyle Byers When I saw the previews for this show I said, "Oh no, the cash grabbing flash animations has transferred from Cartoon Network to Nick." I WAS COMPLETELY WRONG!!! This show is amazing. Everything about it makes me want to see another episode. If you see previews you might think that this will be bad, but it has depth and the characters are thought out. I hope the negative reviews will be beat out because this show is great. My favorite episode is the one where the main villain is the hall monitor. Bunsen and Mikey get the new job because she is treating everyone badly. I love how they can make clichés entertaining.
    Michael Biden This show looked bad a first, but when you get into it, it is amazing. We all loved the fairly odd parents, right? Well this has the same exact charm and I hope Nickelodeon renews it for more seasons. This show has gotten little attention and I feel like it should be getting way more. With shows like these, Nick is coming out of the dark ages and getting better. Now all they have to do is remove the live action shows...
    FeemTwombly Having seen several episodes of this show I have gone in with an open mind each time, but every time I try to watch it just seems irritating. The show centers around two main characters Bunsen and Mikey, both these characters to me come across as bland and unlike-able.Bunsen has an incredibly annoying voice, this can make watching scenes with him extremely tedious and being as he's the main character it means long exposure to it.Mikey's voice is slightly more tolerable. My main issue with him is his design, being a big fan of Hartman's art style I was incredibly disappointed with how it all looks. Mikey especially looks awkward. We also learn nothing about how Mikey is friends with the beasts. A simple back story or commentary at the beginning could of helped improve this.Well that's the main characters out of the way so let's talk about the side characters. There isn't really that many to choose from. Amanda acts as the villain here but her motivations are unknown which makes it hard to care or get invested with her character. Her design looks pretty ugly.The teacher, not much I can say about her, but one thing I noticed is that she does her job horribly. To the point where she says that she basically didn't know that she is a teacher, I know this is played for laughs but it just made her seem super stupid. The jokes in this show are some of the worst jokes I've heard, I found myself just face-palming whenever a joke is mentioned. The delivery is off and they usually make no sense.The story isn't much better, with poor pacing continuity. The show seems to jump from different scenes in an awkward way. the overall episode plots just fall flat as there either stupid or boring. Overall this show to me is a major disappointment, it's not like I can even say its a first attempt from a new animator and give it a little excuse. But this is from Butch Hartman, who has worked on and created so many different shows, so it shouldn't feel this amateur, but sadly it does. I hope this show can improve, but I shall sadly no longer be watching it.