Am I Missing Something?
The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Calum Hutton
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
I don't know what Glorback's problem is. Even on repeats this show makes me laugh out loud; the only other Western animated shows that share this distinction are Futurama and Family Guy.Swearing does not make the show. With South Park, yeah, seeing preteen kids mouth off is funny. However, these are high school students. Not the nice dry-cleaned high school students on WB or TBS or whatever. For someone who's used to massive amounts of cussing in his everyday life, do you know how refreshing it is to have characters curse -- and it -not- be a gimmick? You might see it as such, you might live in a sterile environment and not be subject to these words constantly (and use them yourself on a regular basis) so who knows. Cussing is a part of life nowadays and just because it shows up on TV doesn't make it a gimmick. Hells, I have to watch my language when I go home to visit my folks. Comes with the territory, though, being an ex-factory worker (bad) and now in the military (much worse). =) As for the archetypes, who cares. Everything is an archetype on TV now. Because Latrina is a slutty white girl... it's not OK to have her do slutty white girl things? Or have Keisha be the animated world's female Mike Tyson? Or have Natella act like an insecure immigrant kid?No, let's just watch Saved By The Bell. That's how REAL high school kids act... right?You're way too sensitive. How many episodes of this show did you actually watch? Because your review made it sound like about half of one before it was too much for you to take. Bromwell is -nothing- like South Park. The writing is insane, and they should get some sort of award for it. Iqbal's dialog alone is worth watching the show for. There is nothing like Bromwell in animated or live action form; if it doesn't match up with your tastes, well, you have a remote control, but don't go badmouthing something just because your morals clash with it, or you made a half-buttocked judgment call on 10-15 minutes of viewing.
This has to be the worst new show of the past few years. It actually makes Family Guy look funny.Where's the wit? Where's the cleverness? Where are some friggin' DECENT JOKES!? Not in this piece of trash, thats for sure.Ever since South Park first aired, hacks have been sticking their crappy cartoons on the T.V. and filling them with swears, because that makes them oh-so edgy. There is absolutely NOTHING witty or clever about this show, or at least nothing witty or clever that wasn't taken from an existing show and given a more unfunny twist to avoid accusations of blatant plagiarism.It's comedic devices consist of one thing: Over-playing character's archetypes. The violent, crude and stupid girl did something violent, crude or stupid. The white trash slut did something whitey, trashy and slutty. The disgruntled teacher once again says that he hates his job. Hilarity ensues...Unoriginal and Unfunny. Ditch this garbage.
Jackson Booth-Millard
If you like adult comedy cartoons, like South Park, then this is nearly a similar format about the small adventures of three teenage girls at Bromwell High. Keisha, Natella and Latrina have given exploding sweets and behaved like bitches, I think Keisha is a good leader. There are also small stories going on with the teachers of the school. There's the idiotic principal, Mr. Bip, the nervous Maths teacher and many others. The cast is also fantastic, Lenny Henry's Gina Yashere, EastEnders Chrissie Watts, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Smack The Pony's Doon Mackichan, Dead Ringers' Mark Perry and Blunder's Nina Conti. I didn't know this came from Canada, but it is very good. Very good!
Like most people that have seen this cartoon I am a) Canadian b) Watch the channel called Teletoon (Which airs this Cartoon) c) Am not happy that it is overlooked.The show is pretty good, a nice show at 9:30 for some laughs. Nice dialogue and plots keep you watching, even though some episodes may be nothing special. The show is funny though, although I'm sure nobody would expect it to be too popular, it's a shame it gets hardly any recognition. In conclusion, I like the show. Nothing truly special, but still very fun. 7.5/10 is what I'd give it.