Brainiac: Science Abuse
Brainiac: Science Abuse
NR | 13 November 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    tankace Brainiac was on the air from 2003 to 2008 and it gave me a lot of laughs, for it is absurdly funny and generally entertaining for it fused two things they are usually thought to be universes apart, science and fun. No , definitely no those concepts can exist at the same time it needs to be done right and here they score 11/ 10. Also for the male viewers are some very beautiful women around. ;)The first four seasons are comedic gold .It is every nerd wet dream for a television series with experiments, test, some gorgeous girls ,because why not? .Also you have some extremely interesting philosophical question been thrown at any episode to make the audience think! That was unheard in the early two thousands, for back then the weren't series like Big Bang Theory(1), Lie to me(2), Criminal Minds(3) and Avatar(4). For those series' creators see the audience and say: "I want to make them learn something during the run time for the episode" weather that is a scientific fact (1),a way to find out lies(2), get detective skills(3) or a whole way of thinking(4).Now to the final two seasons where the main hosts left. Thet were good, but lacked the comedic timing and they didn't give any emphases to the question part ,but still their energy and dedications make you come for more. Sandly they couldn't stop the series from losing steam and with the gangs, girls,science ,and even the flagship of the series the experiments themselves going old ,it was the end and the series was canceled.In this point is were I say that was a pity and it should continue, but not in this time for it series run its course and ended in at least a decent level and didn't became a zombie like Family Guy , Two and a half men and even one of my favorites Bones! So let us all remember this series for that opening in the big screen (if you haven't see it do it now).
    Phil Karn I'm an American, and to my knowledge this show hasn't yet made it to US TV so I can't actually review it. I've only seen their now infamous clip on alkali metals.Last night I saw the Mythbusters demonstrate that Brainiac faked their spectacular explosions with rubidium and cesium metal. I have to say that I'm more than a little dismayed. Like many people, I'd been taken. I remember thinking that the rubidium and cesium explosions seemed well out of proportion to the much less violent lithium, sodium and potassium reactions. But hydrogen/air/heat mixtures are highly unpredictable, and besides who can argue with empirical evidence?Lying just isn't cool, even (especially) in the cause of science education. There's no greater sin in science and engineering than faking a demo.Now I fully understand that "Brainiac: Science Abuse" is more about entertainment than science, and some forms of entertainment such as magic rely entirely on deception. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as you label it as such.But just as the occasional magician crosses the line when he claims real supernatural powers, so does an show like Brainiac when it claims to be doing real science experiments.Now if I ever do get to watch this show, I'll be too busy continually wondering if what I'm seeing is real or fake to enjoy it. It will certainly ruin whatever educational value it might have had.Shame on you guys.
    lemon_magic Welcome to "Braniac", the show that lights the fuse to the explosives and runs like hell.People keep comparing this show to the American show "Mythbusters", and I can see the resemblance, but really, these are two different shows with two different philosophies. "Mythbusters" is an hour-long show that takes one or two "urban myths" and (within its own self defined boundaries), actually investigates them and puts some effort into simulating the conditions in question."Braniac" is a half hour hodge-podge where various harmless nerds screw around with chemicals, microwaves, CO2 extinguishers and caravans to kill time in an amusing way. The real charm of the show is that it doesn't take itself at all seriously; the 'experiments' are usually complete rubbish, and their real point is to mock and lampoon the pseudo-significant posturings of many more pretentious shows that would like their posturings to be regarded as High Art.And "Braniac" never fails to have at least one very amusing or striking happening in a given episode (like the time they had a "Challenger" tank fire an HE shell at a 1 ton safe to retrieve the 200 pounds in currency that the safe-makers had locked inside.) (The safe was essentially vaporized, and so, of course, was the money.) Or to put it another way: While "Mythbusters" is light-hearted and pleasantly goofy (and I quite enjoy it), "Braniac" is just plain giddy on its own silliness. The resulting show is a nice little 'meringue' treat (I believe the Brits would call it a 'trifle') of a TV show, a diverting bit of whimsy where you get to see Caravans blown sky high and grown men walking on a pool full of custard. It's definitely NOT for every one, especially not people who don't care for whimsy and British humor, but people who like this sort of thing will like this a LOT. I certainly do.
    Morfeus Ivanovich Well, I guess that "Braniac" is very stupid, but not a bad show at all. With a microscopic element of science and some British humor it created a decent Friday night entertainment. Since the creators and cast don't even try to take the show seriously, it can't be called hypocritical, and it sure as hell beats pseudo-social shows discussing "important social issues". Some episodes are just unforgettable! This Tina Turner thing is hilarious, and God, I love the nurse:) However, there is a small drawback. They never seem to credit the girls properly, and what's the deal with their website? Still, those small problems cannot rob the show it's charm. Overall rating: 7/10 so far! Keep it up!