Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms
Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms
| 15 May 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    bubblesarbear The characters arent even believable as bikers, especially the guy who plays Cesar, that guy looks like a short fat women with a wig and fake beard. I guess it's hard for feminine men to try and play tough manly men. What a waste of time!!!
    elvcowen Overall I found this series to be quite good. The characters are believable and fairly true to the 1%ers I know.I however find the absolute disregard for helmet laws to be very immersion breaking, helmet laws in Aus came in during 1961 (Jan 1st 1961) and the real 1%ers I know did not disregard the helmet laws (it wasn't worth the police hassle), especially considering this is set during the late 70's early 80's as is displayed by the cars shown, the characters in this show would have grown up with helmet laws in place therefore the characters would be likely to abide by the laws regarding helmet use. The only scene where a character is shown prominently wearing a helmet is one where the helmet clearly served it's purpose, he was injured not dead after suffering a head meets road incident. It is also very much an Americanisation of the series.There is also a minor quibble that up until the mid-late 80's Harley's were not the bike of choice of the 1%ers it was generally heavily modified UJM's or British bikes.
    Mike Burton The show was really good but could have been a bit Meaner and maybe a bit more realistic but I must say I am not happy it was only 6 episodes long. I hope they make another series as this was good viewing. Maybe it could have gone into more depth on how the club got money and what the real war was over.The show was over all a good show The actors did well playing the characters. The action was a bit slow but was tense when needed. I wanted to watch every week and looked forward to it.I really wish their were more episodes.go enjoy
    Earl I watched two whole episodes just to make sure. This really is mostly terrible, best illustrated by one unfortunate piece of casting.Colin 'Caesar' Campbell was a big man, tall, broad shoulders, an imposing, perhaps threatening presence. He is portrayed here by Anthony Hayes, who is about as imposing as a teddy bear. He has narrow shoulders, a pot belly, he really isn't up to the job. He's not alone in that but, more than any other cast member, illustrates how this show falls so far short of anything remotely resembling a true portrayal of an outlaw motorcycle club.It's quite clueless. These rough, tough bikies, who mostly look like a bunch of nice middle-class youngsters after a biggish weekend, ride around on shiny new Harleys, straight off the shop floor in 2011. So there you go, how many telephone calls would it have taken to line up some authentic old motorcycles? One, if you rang the right place, it wouldn't be that hard.There are whole sequences where nothing happens, nothing is learned about the characters, the narrative grinds to a halt. There is the occasional brief flicker of a scene that isn't all that bad, usually featuring Callan Mulvey and Matt Nable , the two leads.Okay, so we've got some pedestrian direction and photography, a lousy script, woeful casting, fair-to-middling acting, some reasonable art direction and set direction, poor attention to relevant detail and an overall look and feel of the whole project being rushed along too quickly. So it's pretty much your standard Australian teev series.It's quite extraordinary in its own way. A show about bikies that is boring and mundane.
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