Barefoot Contessa
Barefoot Contessa
TV-G | 30 November 2002 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    John Forhan These positive reviews read like Ina and Jeffery wrote them on their own. The show is ridiculously yuppie upper class menu items. The one recipe my wife and I decided to make (the roasted chicken "historylover" claimed was amazing) tasted terrible and became garbage after tasting. Her snobby attitude projects itself amazingly, even through a television set. Every episode she spends half of it driving in her car buying some sort of "surprise dish for Jeffery", the other half of the episode is split between her actually cooking the bad food and showing off her giant home. Yes we get it, your rich and live rich. This is a the worst show on Food Network. If you want to watch a pretentious upper class snob cook food that would poison your dog, than it's perfect for you. Otherwise watch a chef who cooks food that wouldn't cost you a paycheck to supply the ingredients for. As for the reviewer Historylover, nice try Ina.
    chasemo2000 I love Ina! She's kind of a snob, but her food always looks excellent! Her house is fabulous and so is the garden! My family and I have made a few recipes and we weren't disappointed. I wonder why the Food Network never includes her in their specials though. I figure she's too good for them! I love that she's not a stick figure too! You can tell she's enjoying life! Her friends seem like they've known her for quite awhile and are always good sports. Some of the things she makes are not very practical, but that's OK. My sisters and I joke about what the perfect meal would be from her, and we always argue because there are so many to choose from!
    mrcaw1 This cooking show is outstanding for a variety of reasons.First and foremost, is Ina Garten. She has such a relaxed speaking voice that you can't not help but feel relaxed. Her entire demeanor is one of a relaxed, good friend. You get the feeling that you're a long time friend of hers & you're simply sitting on a stool in her kitchen & she's talking with you as she prepares her meal.Her recipes of course are always tantalizing and I always get hungry watching her show.Her East Hampton home is classy & elegant without being pretentious.And it's great that she doesn't focus solely on the food but brings in the other elements to fine dining: that being table set-ups, location and of course people! It's fun to see the different locales on her show; whether it's her own back yard, or the beach or a friend's home.Ina Garten is a class act in this world of crass, kitchy-ness!
    slurpygloop I DO enjoy this show-it's low key and many of the recipes sound great. The only problem: unless you have a ton of time, you can't put these together in a pinch, not to mention the money most of these will cost. But, if you do, you're sure to enjoy it. One example of a minor "flaw": some of her bake sale items are way too complicated or upscale for us lesser folks. More highbrow than some of the other Foodnetwork fare, it is nonetheless a good fit and well worth a look, even if it's in a longing, "I wish I could do /afford that" mode. In summary, it's probably in league with Emeril as it would appear to be a program for the more sophisticated cook with the before mentioned time and cash at one's discretion.