Bakersfield P.D.
Bakersfield P.D.
| 14 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    p_sandalz I liked this show a lot - we got the first and only, it would appear, series in the UK on channel 4. The characterisation was right on the money - a bit like the Simpsons in that all the different facets of small town populace were represented.There was no laughter track - I hadn't seen this on an American TV comedy at the time except for on Larry Sanders and it really worked well here, heightening the suggestion that these wacky cops were really like that, and not just hamming it up for the cameras.All in all, a quirky little number that tickled me just right: I can't help but think that maybe it missed it's mark with certain audiences. I think it would have been a cult hit in the UK had it been shown at an acceptable hour.I'll round this off with my standard comment: Where the hell can I get hold of this to watch it again? Any ideas?
    severe_td Bakersfield, P.D. really was one of the funniest, well-made comedies to ever hit the tube. Unfortunately, between lacking promotion, a then-struggling FOX network, stiff timeslot competition, and a script that was a bit too clever for the general public, the show dragged badly out the gate. It lasted for only one season, with the final episodes shown in June, 5 months after the cancellation was already decided.While definitely a comedy, the show had no laugh track. It didn't play as a typical sitcom. It was a side-splitting comedy, placed in the environment of a "serious" cop show.The characters were all quirky, yet strangely believable. From the wishy-washy captain on down, each character presented in Bakersfield, P.D. was unique and interesting. Even the guest characters exhibited a small-town charm that, while sometimes bordering on the ridiculous, always entertained.Surprisingly, I found the show again on the TRIO network, which occasionally runs it. Check your local listings.
    boydm2 It was a crime that this show had no support and fell away.I still laugh about Wade and his personal "soundtrack" and a few other stories I remember from it.But the episode which ends with the mugging victim having the prisoners in the line up beating themselves up, that had me crying on the floor.A true shame we didn't get more.
    Jim-229 BAKERSFIELD P.D. was a thoroughly incredible show, one that ended far too quickly. With the quirkiness of shows like NORTHERN EXPOSURE or ALLY McBEAL, BPD showed us life among a very odd collection of cops in a small, slow town. This show had excellent visual gags, great writing, and beautiful oddness. (Who can forget when they found an arm, and kept it in a big pickle jar?) If you get a chance to see this 1-season show, watch it, tape it, and love it.